Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Something nice

It was REALLY cold this morning. I know everyone is hearing me hollar. The maybe 2 people out there. Not really- I think there are more that do not have comment capabilities yet or just don't . Anyways. I have no ear muffs anymore and I wanted a pair that is less bulky and go around the back of your head and not the top. I looked at 2 stores and didn't find what I was looking for but I found a great scarf that is like sits on your head kind of like a hat. Then last night Amber's boyfriend brought something over--it was for me. It was the ear muffs I was looking for. My ear got a little nipped yesterday in the cold. I told his mom what I was looking for. I see her almost everyday. She happened to find them. How nice was that? So I used them today. They were fantastic and warm.

The principal was out with us today helping with the kids so all of us that had to be outside could spell each other off. The kids were in first recess but in the early morning I still have to be at the crosswalk and someone has to tell the kids to go in. It is suppose to snow again tomorrow. Yee Haw. I am handling the cold fine really though. Lee Joe is not working much right now so he is not out in it much either. It is too cold for him to work doing what he does anyways. He was suppose to start a job in Pocatello this week but it is too cold and frozen.

I am always tired and have nothing else to say I guess. Oh wait-I have a new e-mail address through the school. But I am not going to post it on my blog, sorry.


Janika said...

I guess people survive in Minnesota. Humans are adaptable creatures.

Unknown said...

Did you tell you about the job opening out here?