Saturday, December 06, 2008


I was going to post pictures but I have a new glitch in my software and I couldn't get my very useful program to work. Darn it.

Today was not as much fun as I had planned but I was edgy. The screamers on my front brake pads did a great job of screaming at me when I went anywhere and it made me want to scream. Yes I am very testy and grumpy-grr. So I tried to prevent more agitation by staying home later in the day. besides, everyone is shopping today and I don't enjoy crowds. Lee Joe is going to check and maybe fix the screaming brakes in a few hours. yay! I should go to bed.

1 comment:

Janika said...

I see Kelsea is on Facebook now, too. With that and a new job, how will you ever be able to blog again? Christmas seems like a good time for a new computer, I imagine.