Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I got the job at the school. My hours will be 7:30-4 and the little girls will be in tow. That is an hour earlier than they are use to going to school. Needless to say I am far from use to that myself. I am a night owl and not a morning person. So my days are numbered to time without children. I start officially on the 8th of Dec but I sub 3 days the week before. I work for 2 weeks and get 2 weeks of vacation with the girls. I could have subbed tomorrow too but Kelsea has her appt-see below. I will have some great benefits though. I can get fixed all over!! But my consistent blogging days are numbered possibly. It will be a fight for the computer in the evenings.

I took Kelsea and Amber brought herself to the doctor today. Kelsea's appt was at 9:45 and Amber's was at 11:30. Kelsea's took so long that we went back into the waiting room at 11:26 to wait with Amber for her's. Kelsea is going to see an orthopedist on Friday. Her x-rays looked OK but they aren't the bone doctors. She is in a lot of pain. And the swelling on her rib could be a hematoma but it doesn't hurt anymore and it is not something they are concerned about so she got an all clear for ab work in PE now. Then Amber went in for some weird ear pain. She has TMJ and we have to get with the orthodontist on getting a mouthguard for her and he showed her how to relieve pain in her neck before she gets a migraine. She had one yesterday. He said to get some new raquetballs and put them in a sock. Tennis balls are too big. And then told her to lay down on it and put the sock with balls in it behind her neck where the neck muscles and skull meet. Should help the tension she gets in her neck and help the tension induced migraines without meds. I want to try it too.

Things that get to Lee Joe about being in a house with all girls---He can't stand Josh Groban. We all love him. He doesn't enjoy the Jane Austen movies. But I am finding most guys with all daughters are tortured that way. Hormones are getting more out of hand and Autumn is another Kelsea when it comes to stubborn, hormonal, and tempermental. You put those two together anymore and fireworks and flames start shooting. Ok just screams and tears and on and on and on. Can somebody stifle my scream? The past two days have had some unbearable moments.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the benefits-I mean job! Those things are tough to find these days.

Janika said...

Lee Joe and I always went to school with my dad super early. we had to leave at 6:30. It's good for a soul.

I don't envy your situation with the girls. We had 3 raggers in the house one recent weekend, and it was NO fun. Just try to cherish the pleasant (or neutral) moments, brief as they may seem.