Thursday, November 06, 2008

I think....

I think... I think....I THINK!!! I think I may have FINALLY conquered the nasty mess on my computer. 3 days later--it is behaving itself right now. It has been so frustrating and such a waste of my time.

I am on Prednisone for 8 days. I am glad it is not for long. I am having a little bit of the body aches but not like yesterday. I am on day 2 and the hyper is kicking in a little but I cleaned some things and am motiviated. That is actually a bonus considering how long I have been exhausted and unable to catch up around here. The top of my washer and dryer are cleaned off. I am glad none of you were able to see it before. Amber is having friends over tonight I think so I need to get busy and make her get busy too. I will be so excited if I can accomplish some things in the next couple of days that I have been needing to do. I have worked on my office this week and cleaned the back of the garage again so the momentum is starting to get going. I always feel better when things are clean anyway. It is not often enough so I have not been so happy.

We bagged 10 large leaf bags full of leaves last weekend. With the storms I think we are going to fill 10 more. My back yard is covered again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just had an idea.

My kids get Nystatin cream to get rid of sores, pain etc it's a steroid cream. maybe you can ask if that would help your signuses if you rubbed some justinside your nose. . .a thought - it's like $4 to $12 a tube. and a little goes a LONG way. - it's a bit like neosporin, creamier and smooth like lotion though