Monday, October 20, 2008

The rest of the story

Here is the fill in on Homecoming. But I won't say too much.
Kelsea, her date and the other couple they went with did go to Chili's. There was a couple there that kept smiling at them and when the couple left the waiter came up to them and said that half of their meal was paid for. How nice was that? They went to the dance. The room where they held it at Ice world was too small for the amount of kids and it was hot. They had tickets to ice skate if they wanted. Kelsea did-naughty girl, I told her not to. But she didn't fall-good girl. She watched plenty of girls fall in their nice dresses though.

Amber and her friends went to an Italian restaurant. Then they went to the dance. She did not skate. Her dress made that really difficult. Good thing. Then they took some of the kids home that had early curfews and they went to her friends house to play games. But her date had to go home not long after they got there so she was dropped off at home. That was late enough, it was after 12:30.

The three little girls were so interested in watching their older sisters get ready. It was cute. Once Amber and Kelsea were gone I took the 3 to the mall and we had some time together. Kylee got to spend some of her birthday money and Autumn got some pants. Here is our NEWS FLASH--AUTUMN HAS GROWN!! Woo Hoo! She has been waiting for so long and Hannah is one size smaller in size until now. The bad thing is-I only found one pair of 10s in all the clothes I have. I think Kylee skipped that size. Kelsea had some really flashy pants back because they were in then, so I got rid of those and Amber blew out the right knee in every pair of pants she had in that size so I have to buy new pants!

1 comment:

Janika said...

I am loaded with size 10. Claire is still wearing them and she was upset when only Lexi and Emylie got new clothes since they are in 14/16 now.