Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Holy Cow!

I like dull days at the school. I can't complain when some days I get a chance to sit and twiddle my thumbs for awhile. Needless to say this was not one of those days. Summary-Stray dog on playground, we called the humane society when we couldn't reach the owners but I had brain storm and someone from the school took the dog instead until the people came home. We had a fire drill. I had one moment during the day where the two phones in the office were occupied by someone that was not me. Then the phone rang and I had to ask the principal to answer AND then it rang again. I had to answer in the nurses office. Did I mention the fire drill-oh yeah I did. THen after school in a 20 minute time frame was-I need to call home, I need to call my mom, I can't find my kid, I need to take someone else's kid, So and so did not get on the bus, where are they, How long does someone need to stay for character academy, Someone needs money from the cash box, On the phone someone needs to know stuff about drivers ed while I have 4 kids asking to use the phone still, Someone wants to buy a book from the teachers lounge And Someone wanted 2 tacos and a large soda. That was Kelsea and her timing couldn't have been better for that request. It gave a teacher and the counselor watching me a great big laugh. I found it quite funny myself. At least the fax machine didn't call 911-that has happened when I worked there once before.

The little girls had an intense game. There were some really good kids and my girls took a beating. Autumn got a ball in the nose and Kylee had to play defense on their most aggressive player and was getting shoved and whacked all over the place. Then she got her own hand shoved into her eye and the blasted other coach just ignored her right in front of him while his team was 5 on 3 under their basket. That ticked me off. My girls were the only ones hurt and they had to stop for both of them but they shook it off and kept going. What troopers they proved to be. That was the last game of the season. They played so well.

I went to the doctor yesterday. I have chronic sinusitis in two areas of my sinuses, a deviated septum and nasal obstruction disease. I have some super expensive antibiotics I am on that were 98 dollars for generic. I go back in two weeks and see what he says to do next. I hope to be feeling better soon. That didn't happen today. I guess it hasn't been 24 hours on meds yet. I am not the worst though.


The Woodward Family said...

Yuck! Hope the girls are ok, and that you start feeling better quickly. Do you think you'll have to have surgery to fix the deviated septum?

Janika said...

Doesn't that rush of activity just get you pumped? ;) It certainly helps you appreciate the non-rush.