Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Is it almost Halloween already?

We are almost ready for Halloween. The girls carved pumpkins last night while I created Hannah's monkey costume. I made a stuffed banana without a pattern. Just made one up out of felt. I am making her a hat thing. I need to sew ears on and put felt on a shirt for a belly and make a tail to pin on her brown sweat pants. The older two are ready. Amber will be doing pep band and a football playoff game that night and I have no idea where Kelsea is off to.

Kylee and Autumn are having their last game against the other team from their school today and then there will be a pizza party. I might have to play some basketball tonight for the parent game. Lee Joe is doing the Thursday night one with Kylee and the 6th grade.

The feedback Amber and everyone else is getting from their performance was so positive. I keep seeing and hearing from people that saw it. I didn't see anybody that night except one family from our ward. They are all saying great things. Amber said they watched the video of it yesterday and everyone was excited watching because they felt so good about what they did. That is the best reward for them all.

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