Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What's new?

What's new-same old- guess who is getting sick now? I guess it is my turn to catch the cold thing. It is not that bad though. Hannah is acting droopy today. Kelsea is STILL hacking up a lung. I have been putting off the return visit to the doctor. I think I am pushing for a week rest from the Drs office in my hopes that the cough will pass. Hannah sees the eye doctor again this week. HAHA! Kylee needs to see an eye doctor too now. My fish have recovered! I lost one fish and a frog to the ich. Then they were getting some other illness due to how compromised they were from the ich. I saved the gourami and he looked horrible. Now they are acting healthier than they were before.

Needless to say, Summer hasn't been too bad. Kelsea, Kylee and Autumn and Lee Joe went to Twin. Kelsea's games were in Burley. 5 games in 2 days! They only won one game. Kelsea was so hammered and beat up after that much B-ball. I super cleaned our upstairs bathroom. It is reorganized and all the old stuff is gone. I cleaned out a hall closet and part of our room. I got a cheap desk for Lee Joe's work stuff and cleaned up the living room some. That is a great start! It seems like more than a year of neglect. I still have a monster paper trail to conquer. Amber and Kelsea each filled up a paper bag of paper from their own rooms. My goal is to finish all the little unfinished projects around the house this summer.

Anyway, Monday was slightly warm enough to send some kids to the pool. I had Amber take the 3 youngest. I was able to put more laundry away. So it is far different and very pleasant than the entire school year. Kylee Autumn are doing a basketball camp this week and that will be it for them. I decided not to do summer music due to my need for kindergarten chase recovery. Amber and Kelsea started their summer school today. Amber left this morning with 3 of her sisters so it was just Hannah and I until 12:30. We went to the cheap theatre last night and saw Horton Hears a Who for FHE. It is cooler today but I should be able to work on the backyard and get it healthier. It looks pretty bad.

I got a new camera. I love it but now there is hardly anything going on to take pictures of. Oh well. I took pictures of my guppies. I will post pictures soon, I promise. I haven't even loaded the software from new camera yet.

1 comment:

Janika said...

Emylie got sick very suddenly yesterday. She has a fast moving strep, so we were at the doctor today.