Thursday, June 26, 2008

Going for a walk

Our favorite street and where we would love to have our house or any of the bigger houses would do on this street. It is around two corners from our house. There is almost always baby ducks on this street in the spring.

A couple of things have come up this week for Lee Joe. My uncle wants my brother and him to come to Washington to help put in his new driveway. And the trip to Ely came with a job offer for Lee Joe to work in Mexico on a Ducks unlimited project there in two weeks. Things to think about and contemplate. Then if this guy gets the Ely job Lee Joe could work for him there too which would start after the Mexico job. They are offering some really good money and the jobs he is getting right now are small and now there are two people that owe him that are in default.


The Woodward Family said...

Would the jobs entail moving your family, or just being without your hubby for long periods of time?
Making money is a good thing, though.
And what a beautiful spot...!

Kim and family said...

He would go, we would stay. I have NO desire to go back to Mexico after last summer's over the border jaunt. And it is only a 2 month job.