Monday, June 02, 2008

Time for--

Ok, it is really late and I kind of messed myself up a little today due to too much sleep but this past week was frustrating along with crazy busy and I am behind on the laundry for it. The dryer is still not my friend right now. It is still grumpy.

Lee Joe and I went to see Indiana Jones Saturday night. After the little girls dance recital. It has been months and months since we have done anything together.

Kelsea's illness has mutated into an annoying cough. Annoying for her anyway. She is finally asleep. She was too sick for basketball summer league tryouts but made the JV2 team without tryouts. Her really good friend who is just awesome on the court made varsity but has the option to play for JV1 so she is not too intimidated. Kelsea had a tennis party this week and the 9th grade party-they are treated like the seniors leaving the jr high. She had the awards thing that day and then basketball practice Fri and sat.

Amber was not so busy for once in her life. She helped me pick up little girls when I wasn't already at the school, which I was for 3 days out of the 4 they were there this week.

Kylee had a basketball game where the 5th grade girls took on the 6th grade and the 5th grade either won by one or tied. I think they won. She had a thing on Friday where she dressed up like someone in history and did this project so Thursday night I was getting her costume together for Mary Todd Lincoln.

The 3 youngest had their dance recital on Saturday. Hannah's dance was rescheduled to Weds. Weds was an exhausting feat of super crazy scheduling all day long. Lee Joe had a class he had to go to after work so I was on my own. And I was to bring dinner to a family in our ward and forgot until the craziness began but I made it to the store and we had a hot dinner along with that family and I crashed and burned Thursday afternoon. I almost missed the basketball game for Kylee. I voluntered in Hannah's class on Friday and then came back for Kylee's thing in the afternoon. I am voluntering for field day on Monday afternoon. This is the last week of school and I am ready to be done now but it is another full week to end it all. I wish I could say summer will be restful. I am sure it is not. I spoke to another mom that has twins Kylee's age and they are her last of 6 I think. And she says every year when school starts she thinks she will get a lot done and then when summer starts she thinks the same thing and then it never happens. And she wondered why she always thinks that and I told her it would all be lost if it wasn't for the hope of getting somewhere even though it doesn't quite seem to happen. But that mirrored me completely and her youngest two are 11 and it hasn't changed for her even with several of them out of the house and the two youngest able to care for themselves.

So someday I hope that will happen, I will have an office I can walk in. And a garage that isn't booby trapped by things I put in there. My pictures will be printed and in their albums. I will have my camcorded events on videos and transferred to DVD. I will be able to find important papers in 30 seconds rather than an hour all stressed out over not finding whatever it is. I will have clean clothes in my room I don't have to hunt for. Someone else will groom my dog and she won't stink. My flower beds will have flowers in them and there won't be dead flowers on the rose bushes and the iris' and my van won't have popcorn on the seats and fast food garbage all over it and I will be at least a size 12 which is skinny enough for me because I will have time to exercise and be at home to do it. But you know all those things can wait because mommyhood is a temporary time I remind myself and when I can do all those things it will be because no one is left at home to share my time. And I will complain because it is too quiet. There will be no daughter to pound on the piano and play beautiful music even when you are trying to sleep. There will no goofy banter between a certain red head and every other person in the house. There will be no 3 little girls rolling around on the trampoline while their bedrooms should be condemned disaster areas. And when the laundry decreases, we can wlk on the floor of the bathroom/laundry room and there are not hundreds of socks to go through there will be no special moments looking at the small clothes that were passed down from sister to sister that remind me of special memories together when I can remember them wearing those things. It is hard when things go so fast to try to slow it down, to do more fun things, and to just sit as they do what they do and remember this time is so short. So I do complain. I am an extreme introvert forced into and an extroverts world everyday for the sake of my children. But I try to reflect later and tell myself I wouldn't want to change it, I just want to slow it down a little. Or learn how to cope with myself better. Or at least not have eveything explode on the same days of the week. But those things don't happen to just accomodate me. I take deep breathes and wish all I really had to do was enjoy them. When I do that, it all feels so much better. And it really is worth it. So I think I have reflected plenty.


Janika said...

Appreciate the moments, is the best you can do, I guess. I don't think much about the passage of time, but when you get to where you can see the closeness of your children leaving you, you realize how fast it's gone. Thanks for thinking out loud.

The Woodward Family said...

Anthony is finishing up 9th grade. I feel like I was just finishing up the 9th grade. Time does fly, and I have cherished each stage of my kids lives. Now I just hope they stay close by as the grow up. You're lucky you have good kids! I guess I'd rather be busy than sitting home, bored out of my mind!