Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Blogger, I have found, is great form of procrastination. I need to clean up my disaster living room before piano and have not been hope long enough to do anything about and here I am. I wasn't going to blog but I want to procrastinate some more.

It was uneventful really until this morning. I worked for 2 days and besides the one kindergarten class having a crazy nutty day, there was not much to report. It was our stake temple day last night. They made such a big deal out of it but I hardly saw anyone I knew from our stake. But that doesn't mean they weren't there because they were mostly people much older than me and couple of couple's younger.

The girls drug themselves to the temple trip this morning. Amber was fine and got Kelsea moving a 5 when they were suppose to be at the church. I think it was men thinking like men saying they had enough to get ready for school. The girls did not and they were 20-30 minutes late for their zero hour classes. In the course of their home time getting ready for school, Kelsea was scared by a mouse. Screaming at 7am is hard to ignore. And there was a big katydid as well. Ok, Socks and I need to have another talk about the condition of mice brought into the house. Bring them dead, very very dead, not playing dead. It might be under the piano. The katydid was sent outside. Makes for good stories though.

Poor Hannah had a rough afternoon. She got 4 baby teeth pulled in front and did not handle it very well. The dentist we have right now was so good and tried to be careful and get her to calm down. I said just go for it. She is like that with band-aid removal and use to be like that when I trimmed her nails. Nice mom aren't I? So he did the last 2 real quick. He just wasn't sure and didn't want it to be traumatic and I appreciate that. Anyways Hannah is hanging out at home now and is having jello, pudding and mac and cheese for the next two days. Amber had 2 cavities filled but no drama there.

I have to get those band uniforms finished tonight. It has gone a little bit better. But I still grumble how much I hate them when I do them. Well, now I have hustle. Procrastination time is over.

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