Thursday, February 01, 2007

What's up with all the sick people?

I was reading everyone else's blog on how they have all been sick. My goal was to make it through Jan healthy. We did it almost just barely. Kelsea has the flu and it started during the night and she missed school today. And I thought Kelsea's Hamster died but it is really sick too. I should have taken a picture with Kelsea in bed with her hamster. But we got it to take some water and it ate a little. We will see if it survives. It is wait and see how the flu runs throught the house.

Progress! Lee Joe has been home more after work lately and he is trying to conquer some of clutter. He gets so distracted it is almost funny but he put down a piece of trim last night, moved some paint into the crawl space. Fixed and found a home for the old washer, it will be going to my mom's house tonight. He moved the wood trim. I am not the perfect person either when it comes to clutter. But I am progressively getting organized myself and am willing to part with stuff. The girls all have the clutter disorder and the worst part is they don't see it. I have a hard time getting rid of their stuff because I remember the trauma it caused me when I was little but I have learned where it comes from. We left EVERYTHING behind at least 3 times growing up and that makes it hard for me to part with stuff and hard for me to get the kids to do it too but it is getting better. The funniest thing is I can have some very organized closets and cabinets but there can be a lot of clutter on counters and on my desk and around other places. When I was growing up I never had to be told to clean my room so disorder makes me crazy. I feel like I am going crazy or at least frustrated most of the time. We will see if this kick for Lee Joe lasts long enough to get a shed built.

1 comment:

Janika said...

I was the one who sorted the clutter way back when. I never had the authority to throw things away, but I got really good at organizing crap. That skill continued when I was married to an ebay addict who was sure a whole lot of things would be valuable one day, and that anything worth having was worth having two of (which worked out nicely at divorce time). It is hysterical to me that he complained about my housekeeping, but now that I am not having to organize his crap, I can keep a much tidier place--oh, and I have someone who will actually do a little something around the house. Love ya.