Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You all must suffer with me...

If I must suffer, I suppose I will make all who visit here suffer. I really want to whine and complain about it right now. So I somewhat apologize as I agonize. ACK EEK big stinky horrible stupid crappy illnesses can just go take one giant hike RIGHT NOW!!!!! I am sick of the sick in my house that is making my poor kids miserable and adding to the already busy stressful time this month already brings. Kelsea, poor kid, always gets things the worst. She ran a fever that hit a high of 103.7 last night. We got it down and she is on Tylenol every 4 hours because it climbs right back every time. It was 103 again this morning and it was about 102 but looks like it could be 103 a little bit ago. Good news--Kylee is getting through school, even with all the coughing and hacking and Amber made it back today. She has a big homework load and will be missing tomorrow for an all day band thing. She is at pep band tonight-I forgot about that. She already missed one and a concert and that will probably affect her grade. Her boyfriend's dad (our doctor) and mom do not want him in our house because of the whatever that is here. I don't blame them but I think it is too late really because he has already been here several times when Amber was super sick. I am wondering about Hannah. She is so strange sometimes. Her glands are swollen and her voice sounds like her tonsils are sore and she says her throat doesn't hurt. I have heard a cough from her that sounds pretty yucky, sometimes barky but she says she is faking it. And she is kind amped up like some of my kids get when they are getting sick. Hmmm, she is a mystery. No symptoms yet from Autumn. I got rid of my headache only to have it back again this morning and somehow by 10am it just disappeared so that is better.

So the man of the house is out of the house and down in Ely moving hay with cousin Dell. That almost sounds like some sort of goofy kids song. We might see him at the end of next week for Amber's birthday. Oh, here is a by the way. My oldest baby will be 18!!!! in 10 days. I can not believe it. So the scary part is, if he is gone and the 2 youngest get this or I do it is going to be really rough. I am afraid of how much work I might miss. But I think he is getting it. And he is away from all of us to help him. I feel a slight feeling in my throat that makes me nervous. THIS IS GETTING OLD!! Aren't you tired of hearing about it yet? I am tired of this going on and on and on--the illness-And I am tired of hearing coughing from everywhere-you are probably tired of my blog.

So the sun was shining today and that made me very VERY happy.


Janika said...

Everybody has their trials. To be sure, I am glad that having a bunch of sickos in my house all the time is not one of them. I feel for you, though.

and why is Amber 18. She did not discuss this with me first.

Anonymous said...

Do I have a cousin named Dell? Or is this your cousin, Kim? You never know what you'll learn by reading a blog! ;-)

Kim and family said...

Yes Thomas, you do have a cousin Dell. I am not sure who he belongs to but I think it is Aunt Sheila.