Sunday, January 25, 2009

Can we make it?

Yes we can!! I think that will have to be the mantra for a little while. I can tell you the past two weeks have been more than nuts. It is not letting up for awhile. I think if we can done with all this sick crud that will help. Kylee has been sick for two weeks. I think she will FINALLY make it back to school on Monday. Amber has been running a fever for 5 days. We took them both in on Friday. They gave Kylee a cough medicine because I asked for it. Her body hurts from all the coughing. It keeps her up at night. Amber was put on penicillin but they have something else that came with the strep and my gosh is it a nightmare illness. I don't think she will make it to school on Monday either. Her fever was 102 this evening. She hurts all over and just feels crummy but is sick of doing nothing at home. I had Autumn's mild flu Thursday night and Friday. It hit me real hard after I came home and I slept half the day on Friday. I called a sub. We have had practice for basketball and had 3 games on Saturday. Autumn's team won. But she took a really hard fall towards the end of her game. I thought she hit her head the way she fell but she was trying to stop her head from hitting the floor. She bruised her hip pretty bad. Kylee's team lost-the team we are coaching. I was frustrated afterwards. I got there at the half because their games overlapped a little and were at 2 different schools. I knew we could have been better prepared but I had to tell myself I saw half the game and the other team was so much taller than ours. They just had a run of baskets in the end. It was a really low score. They are shooting at 10 foot baskets now instead of 8. It is an adjustment. Kelsea's team lost but they played really well. Kelsea fell pretty hard once too and has a nasty bruise on her knee and elbow. It is so pretty. AND I have been trying to remember for the past 2 weeks-the busiest ones in a long time-that I has a talk this Sunday. That turned out OK. I was the last speaker and I didn't know that. I knew my talk was a little longer than the 10 minutes they asked me to take. They always give the last speaker a lot of time but if the youth speaker and other 2 speakers take too long then you have no time. I didn't know what to cut out if I had little time. I cut out a little part and we went over by 5 minutes. I started my delivery slow at first because I tend to go through my talks fast but then it picked up momentum and got a little faster and a little faster so I could get what I felt I needed to say. It turned out fine. But man, I feel like I have running in high anxiety mode for too many days and felt like I was going to loose it Saturday. I took a nap today. I slept so hard I was completely disoriented waking up. You know how you look at the clock and you can't tell what time it really is on what day. Yeah. I just hope nobody else gets what Kylee and Amber have because otherwise this will go on a really long time. Remember the mantra--Can we do it? Yes we can. I think. I really hope so.

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