Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You play, you pay

We spent all day at the fair yesterday. It has been 2 years since we did the rides. So everyone got a chance to do the rides. Lagoon and our other amusement park visits sure has deflated the fun of the fair rides. And the fact that 90 percent of them go around and around enough to make you sick real fast is further deflating. But the 3 youngest had a blast. The 2 oldest were finished fast. I supervised. I go in a circle once and I am sick so not a lot of fun there for me anymore. Amber met up with 3 friends. She invited the boy who likes(d) her who is recovering from heartbreak over her very brutal honesty this summer. (He asks"Do you like me at all" She says "not as much as you like me")OUCH It was probably a good thing so they could reestablish their friendship. Kelsea was in a good mood that morning and most of the fair. I was happy to see that. Then she lost 60 dollars. Somebody else had a great day at the fair. It cooled off here but the humidity went up a bunch so we were still pretty hot all day. Autumn and Kylee rode on rides I would have never ridden as a teenager. Hannah is officially too big for a few of the kiddie rides at the fair. And yet she was too small for rides she has been on at Lagoon. The little girls won a prize at the fish pond. Hannah rode the ponies and the 3 girls did spin art. We saw the Splash dogs and an acapela group. They were really good. We saw Amber's friends art in the art show and had funnel cakes, fries and cotton candy. We were so exhausted. I wore tennis shoes but they were brutal to my little toes. I have blisters on top of one of toes for proof. I think flip flop ankle ache would have been better. Autumn woke up puking in the middle of the night. Poor thing. She has been fine all day all day though. And we ticked off the neighbor with our dog shutting the screen door on himself so he barked and whined all afternoon I guess. They are grumpy old people. But my dog can be seriously obnoxious when he is left outside. We never leave him out like that. It seems like anytime outdoors give me a miserable sinus problem aftermath. Oh well. I have lots pictures to put up to get a better feel of the fun we did have. The girls did enjoy themselves.

I am exhausted today. We got up early for dentist appts on Tues for the 2 oldest. I had an allergy attack the night before that kept me up awhile. Amber has two cavities but everyone else had none. But Hannah has to get some baby teeth pulled. Kelsea is signed up for drivers ed and we got her permit lined out today. I am not wanting the kids to start school yet but I know it is just aftermath of last year still. It should be pretty nice having the school day to myself to get things done. When I went to the elementary school to sign Kelsea up for Driver's ed- The secretary there takes care of all the drivers ed sign up for city- And she told me they were looking for a temporary part time position to help a little boy in kindergarten with brittle bone syndrome. I told her I didn't know and she says still she likes having me available to be her sub. I still like subbing better I think. I have already had to book several appointments with the kids in September.

I have one kid left to get studio pictures of. We were real behind on studio pictures and I don't buy what the school puts out. I don't have all the kids school supplies or shoes for the 2 youngest yet. We have couple more days left to try and get to the pool. I need to show everyone Fabios brother. Amber is having senior pictures the first day of school. We are suppose to have a quilt made by my Young Women girls before Oct 1. We haven't started yet. It is for one of the really big conferences when the YW general president comes in October. Kylee will be 12 at the end of September so she is suppose to help too. We already know Amber has a conflict for that day. One of her big band competions is that day.

Lee Joe will be home soon. One week to go now. He is so ready to come home, he is counting down the days. I think I am ready for a hug.

I guess this is my random informational blog where I process all my thoughts. Hopefully keeping Lee Joe informed of things I might have forgotten to tell him and what he is spared listening too in his absence. I haven't found my funny today. I must need a little more rest before the humor comes back.

I am glad everyone, with the exception of Thomas, had a good laugh with the birthday thing. I know I am easily entertained so it was great fun for me. I still can't wait to see Janika's though.

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