Monday, August 04, 2008

My poor hubby

Lee Joe wanted to go check out the Ocean on Sunday since it is so much cooler than where he is and it was a nice and relaxing place to be after 6 days of work. He didn't take off his glasses so the ocean decided it wanted them so it swiped his glasses with one giant wave and they were gone. He was so frustrated and upset. He already had to replace $500 worth of tools after he borrowed some and they were stolen out of the car. So today I was trying to find him an exam and a place that will get him glasses as soon as possible. The closest place is an hour from where he is working. He did need a new pair anyway but that was not the way we would have chosen to go about it of course. He is a little discouraged right now.

Amber was off to camp at 6:15 this morning. Kelsea is off tomorrow. So it will only be 4 of us for the rest of the week.

So here's the update(4:02 my time-3:02 Lee Joe)-Thanks for the offer Thomas. Lee Joe will have his new glasses in a few minutes. You gotta love the internet and cell phones!! Lee Joe was working and unable to figure out where to get glasses. He called me and let me know what town to look for an eyeglass place. I researched on the internet. Found one place in that town that did glasses quick. No lenscrafters for 70 miles. Called them, made an appointment, researched on mapquest where it was, told him how long it would take him to get there, told him how to get there, and he called me on the way in to ask me where it was again. Told him, he found it, and he will have glasses today. 10 years ago nothing like that would have been possible. So cool! He still can't live without me. So there you go!


Anonymous said...

I've got some old pairs of glasses he could have if he has one eye that is pretty far out of focus but the other isn's too bad. :-)

The Woodward Family said...

Thomas, you are so funny!

Janika said...

The survival of the human race is dependent on women--having babies is the smallest part of that. Men need to be babysat all their lives.