Thursday, July 10, 2008

He is out of here

So Portland didn't work out. We were both disappointed in that because it was alot of things positive. He left for Southern California this afternoon. He was suppose to leave Weds night but there was too much left to do. He left today very stressed and so was I. He has already had few car issues once he has hit Ely. Mostly overheating and a messed up tire. Very fixable. Hopefully he gets down South in good shape. He will be there 6-8 weeks. He was driving me nuts before he left with all sorts of running around. Even after he left he called and asked me to get some money for gas for this guy that is helping him out. I was about ready to pull my hair out. With him gone in the red car it leaves Amber carless. We are both kind of mourning the absence of the car already.

When Lee Joe leaves I usually get all motivated. I don't know if it is because I can just keep doing what I am doing late into the night or if I just like surprising him when I get home, I don't know. It is probably both. I am working on turning the back half of the garage into a playroom for the girls. I have been watching the daughter of a friend of mine this week. She is the same age as Autumn but is a little less mature. But she has played and played and played with the girls nonstop for 3 days now. A friend of ours is taking her for a few days and then we get her back so I kind of feel like I can super clean the family room in her absence. When she is here all the girls get really sloppy even with all the toys in the garage. Now I need to get motivated to lose some weight.

I am not really belly aching here. I am just stating the statistics of this week and coming weekend then I will make my point-So I am pet/house sitting for our piano teacher who lives about 3 miles away until Tuesday next week(our piano lessons are free because he likes that we pet sit for him in the summer in return). It isn't far but with the stupid stop lights on the way there and the traffic it can 15 to 20 minutes to get there. A daily visit is required. I am babysitting again here shortly until Thursday. And my husband just left for a long time and my sister is leaving around Monday. I have to teach on Sunday. I was trying to tell a friend of mine that was asking me for a favor to teach on Sunday(She knows I am already teaching last hour) that I wasn't sure I could help her out. And she wasn't quite getting it. I am trying to learn still how to say "no I can't" with no explanation. Just trying to say"that doesn't work for me" and leaving it at that. I haven't quite done it yet. There are a lot of times I can be supermom but it is OK sometimes not to be.

I get to go watch what Amber learned at Drum Major camp in the morning. One of the head director people was impressed with how loud she is. She is REALLY loud. Kind of hard to miss. Hopefully I show up before the show starts. Last year we were told the wrong time and it was almost over when I got there. I never saw what Amber learned. I might get some pictures this time too. I am sitting here and it is late. I am rambling because Lee Joe is not here to hear me ramble. I ramble to the vacuum of the bloggissphere. Invented word. Before I invent a whole new dictionary of words, I should go to bed.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck on the "Life without a Lay" period of time. Sounds like it might be very productive. :-)

The Woodward Family said...

How are you holding up?