Saturday, October 28, 2006

Maryanne asked-

Since Maryanne asked what I did- I might have hurt it origionally early this summer arm wrestling. And then I hurt the guys left shoulder. It hurt for a while mildly before I hurt it really well.I was cleaning the garage when I hurt it the most. My shoulder was doing much better and then I played volleyball and now it hurts again so it wasn't healthy yet. I know Omega 3s help the joints too and they are cheaper than glucosamine. I looked into glucosamine with Amber's knees. I am out the vitamin habit again so I haven't been taking them so I guess I should stop whining. -New paragraph-We went to the football game last night. Capital played Eagle (Wade is a senior at Eagle this year) Capital lost by 3points-it was a good game though. The band marched barefoot or in socks and they wore regular clothes. I could actually find Amber! And their feet were frozen. It was like 50 or 40 degrees. Crazy kids. -new paragraph-Kelsea and I went to Heidi's bridal shower today and I visited with Mandy and her cute baby. We were asked to bring items for her firsts. I had first emergency. She got some cute things from everyone. She is moving to North Carolina after the wedding. In order to buy dog food today-since we are out completely, Lee Joe has to come along for his healthy arms. I am so independent this is really frustrating. Lee Joe and I are getting new callings on Sunday, we will be together. I have mixed feelings because I love my music calling but I am ready for a change. Right now Lee Joe is Ward missionary. And he is really good at that calling. So that is something to keep in tune for.


Janika said...

Do you mean Mandy, Verl's daughter? I so wish I could be there. Be sure to give Heidi my information. North Carolina isn't terribly far from here. Maybe MaryAnne and I could meet up with her.

I showed my kids her wedding announcement and they asked who it was. I said "It's my cousin, Heidi--Wade's sister." They remember Wade from watching the video of eating the fish head.

Unknown said...

Don't bring LeeJoe to the store!

Get someone in the store to help load it to the cart and into the car. People do it ALL the time. They will understand!