Friday, May 18, 2007

mmm- dinner

So last night I made enchiladas. Nobody could remember the last time we had them. Too labor intensive for busy nights. Lee Joe even found a way to stick around to have dinner before he did his side job. They were GOOOOD!

Somehow in 3 days 2 pants and 2 shirts of mine were ruined. A mulitcolored pen went through the wash and got on my capris and a shirt I needed to get rid of, that was all that had ink on it, and another shirt came out of the same load with several new holes. But it was quite a wash day. One load of laundry came out with a bunch of wadded up pretend money. Dollar after dollar came out of the wash one by one. Too bad it wasn't the real thing. I like getting paid for doing laundry. And when Lee Joe's work clothes went through the wash there was a lot little bitty pieces of paper on all his clothes. I found two small clumps with a staple. After analyzing it I came to the conclusion that one of Lee Joe's checkbooks went through the wash. Then I found a giant wad of paper on the side of the washer. So much for duplicate checks. There is a "check your pockets" rule in the house after several lip glosses have gone through and oiled up several loads of laundry. I think I will be washing my clothes separate from here on out.


Unknown said...

I love encheladas. Nathan isn't that fond of encheladas or tamales or Lazagna, but I love them so once in a while I'll make them and make him eat them. I usually get a lot of yummy leftovers for lunch.

Janika said...

I found a 20 the last time I did wash. I have to have Isaac count his Mowing money to make sure it isn't his. If not, it was Mike's, and it belongs to me. : ))