Thursday, August 31, 2006

Free time? what free time?

So I have sent the kids off to school and every day this week I have had morning appointments. I have managed to wash and put away laundry and cleaned Hannah's room on Mon, Tues something weird happened and I didn't do anything around the house but make dinner, Yesterday I cleaned the living room and vacuumed the living room, both stair cases and halls and Hannah's room and I made real lasagna for the first time in 3 or 4 years. The weather has cooled off considerably and I am freezing today but my plan is the yard today.

Kelsea went to the doctor today. They froze a wart that started from an infection in her finger and gave her a tetanus shot because she is past due for that. We followed up on her meds. She is doing fantastic and is going well. She cried with the shot though and then she bled like you wouldn't believe. I brought her back to school and she wanted a note so she wouldn't have to play in Orchestra. She is having volleyball tryouts this week and hopefully she will manage through that. Last night I had a parent meeting sprung on me. I hate that. They planned it at the last minute.Weds are the worst day of the week for them to do that. I went to the meeting and the lasagna sat on the stove for a half an hour. But it was the perfect temp to eat by the time we got back. I had to make sure there were a few pieces left for Lee Joe for when he got home. The girls would have ate the whole thing if I let them. It was yummy!

I was impressed with Amber! She took some initiative and had two of her classes flip flopped. She went to the counselor on her own at the end of the first day in High school. It took until Weds for it to become active but she is really happy about the change. One of the funny things is almost every class now is with our Doctor's oldest son. I don't think this is a problem for either Amber or Matt. I think they like each other in their silly sophmoric way. Matt is one of the only boys at the church dances that will ask Amber to dance. Wink wink. I was Matt and Amber's "preschool teacher" when they were both almost 5.

No complaints from Kylee or Autumn. THey are in their happy elementary world. They were sad when I said I wouldn't be working at the school and a few of the other kids were sad too. It was sweet. But I will be back to volunteer in the weeks to come.

Tonight 4 of the girls have something going on at 6pm in 3 different directions. Somehow we will figure it out and we will see if Lee Joe will be around. Typically he is not so it is all me.

I went to Port of Subs for Lunch today with Hannah. Have I mentioned that it is my favorite place to eat?

I got my haircut on Tuesday. Everyone that notices says "you got your hair cut" and then that's it, so I am assuming it may not be as flattering as my last haircut that nobody said a word about. Oh well, I like it.

We have added another creature to our zoo. We found a healthy live baby mouse and at a loss as to how to deal with it, mind you we are a house full of creature loving girls, we turned it into a pet. It's name is Mort and last night he discovered it's wheel and is getting use to people. We believe our cat has taken care of other members of it's family so it could be an orphan(two dead adult mice and one injured baby in the past month). Little orphan Mort. Add him to the mix. Hamsters Cheeseball(formerly known as Polka the 2nd) and Dot the 2nd. And our prize champion mouser cat Socks and the best example of big and little-Buddy(part Great Dane) and Spot (part poodle and japanese chin- a jap-a-noodle or Chin-a-poo) our dogs.

There is life at the Lay zoo.
I should get something done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's a mouse in the house! YIIEEIIKES!. I used to feed mine cheereos. good times!