Thursday, December 20, 2007

poor kitty

Amber discovered our cat this morning was badly injured. We thought it was just her leg. She couldn't walk on it. She was a mess and smelled like she was in a fight. Lee Joe took her to the vet and then discovered she had a large slice across her stomach. She had to have surgery. The vet and Lee Joe think a dog got her. She has puncture wounds on her legs and stitches and drainage tubes out her stomach. It is huge- all the stitches she has. Poor kitty. She has a cone on her head and can't walk. It is so sad. She is on two antibiotics and has pain meds. It is awful. But at least she is OK. She is one of the kitties I hand fed as a kitten. I have some pictures I will post later because Amber thinks she needs the computer at 10:30 for homework.


Maryanne said...

Yes, Poor Kitty. You are lucky that she was injured where Amber could find her in time. Christmas is only four days away

Unknown said...

I'm going to commen on a few posts since I hardly get to read anymore.

I love the History aspect of yout Funeral notes. It's a nice addition to your page.

Sorry about the cat and all the extra work you have to go through for it. - - -We choose the things we have in our lives. The circunstances oth that thing are all circumstantial ;) We will steer clear of pets as to not have to worry about those things on top of kids! They are hard enough to raise.

Yes Christmas is close. We are all scurrying.