Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Can it be?

Can it be that Christmas is less than a week away today? Can it be that I am behind with everything and that somehow this week is so plugged with stuff I will be lucky to catch up? I think I am done shopping but there is still so much left to do.

Hannah went to the eye doctor today. She is going every 3 months right now. She is 20/30 out of the not so good eye with glasses. We went to build a bear today to get her an early birthday present since all of Boise will be there after Christmas with all their gift cards. She picked out a bunny with a Disney princess shirt. I need to take pictures.

I have two concerts to attend tomorrow. One at 9:15 in the morning and one in the evening. Kelsea is still a butt to her orchestra teacher and it sounds like she actually intimidates him because he won't reprimand her, he just glares at her and yells at her friend instead.

It rained and rained today. I am subbing for recesses tomorrow. I don't like the forcast. Inside recess is a pain. In December, the last week of school , all the kids are out of control. Oh well it is just 3 hours. That is the only time I will have gone in to sub this month. I have little time to bake. We will do what we can.

I am excited for Christmas, I just more TIME to get what I want to done.

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