Saturday, December 22, 2007

and all that-

The two oldest have babysat for the past two days. Amber is driving herself to her friend things and now on a date tonight. Kelsea was a butt to her Orchestra teacher again on Weds. While talking to a friend of hers in her class she said Kelsea is hilarious and does and says the things they all wish they could say. She won't be there next semester. I can't believe that she is my child sometimes. If she wasn't so funny it might be easier to be much harder on her. Amber and Kelsea played together Thursday in their seminary classes. Autumn got a student of the month award yesterday. I am happy the kids are out of school. But they keep wrapping things they are making and found my tape stash. Our tree is full of stuff and I not sure if it is just big boxes and gift bags filled with pictures on paper and other crafts. But it is pretty cute. We keep getting banned from bedrooms and other rooms when they are working on something. I am so behind with everything. I was up till 3am last night in my freezing cold garage with the space heater on and I found out I need to go out in the shopping mess one more time for one or two things. I also forgot to get something for Matt's girlfriend.

And the cat is recovering well so far. She has 15 stitches across her stomach. She was listless the past two days. Today she is sitting up, purred when I pet her and complained when I cleaned her stomach and is eating. I couldn't imagine my life without pets and it just makes me sad at how bad she is hurt. I love cats even though I am allergic to them. I put up with my allergies for the love of my cat. I don't mind caring for her I am just not very good at it. I am glad it is over Christmas break because I will be more likely to remember to give her all her meds. We know that our neighbor's dog did get her. They called their dog in when they heard something going on outside. We could consider her lucky she is still alive. The girls have all been concerned for her. Lee Joe said my Christmas present was getting her fixed up but that is not true because he is out shopping for me right now with the girls.

I am so excited for Christmas. I got Lee Joe something great that he has no clue about but wants. I can't wait! I feel like the kids but it is not about what I am getting it is about them. So much fun!

I don't know that anyone will be posting much here on out. But have a
Merry Christmas.


Maryanne said...

When I went shopping for LeeJoe I had no clue what to get him. What do you get a man that has five girls? I'm sure that they already thought about all of the stuff I did. Anyway I'm glad to hear that the kitty is better. So, are the neighbors going to shell out a little money to fix the cat? They should. Love you all. Merry Christmas!

Janika said...

I remember when our dog got shot by a neighbor on Thanksgiving Day. It sure does add an element to the holidays to have pet issues. Have a wonderful Christmas

Maryanne said...

Merry Christmas.