Monday, April 23, 2007

Yay! Amber's back!

Amber is quiet by nature anyway but you wouldn't think that it was that noticable that she was gone. The Piano was quiet for days. The little girls played it but it is not the same. She had a great time in San Francisco and they were hours late getting home because their bus broke down in Donner's pass. The boy that likes her said on the way there "Wouldn't it be something if the bus broke down on the way home in Donner's pass while it was blizzarding" Well that is what happened. Everyone said he jinxed the bus. He FINALLY asked Amber out on a date!! SO funny! They were waiting to go on the gondola ride at Great America. There was 5 of them two girls were going to ride together and then this other girl was going to ride with Amber and Matt. At the last minute she choose to ride with the other two girls and it was just Amber and Matt on the l o n g s l o w ride over the park. She said it was quiet at first and then he finally got the nerve up to ask. And then he was right by her side the rest of the day and sat by her most of the way home and Amber acts like she is in pain. She is so strange. I don't think it is that bad for her really.

Last night I didn't watch any of my favorite shows. I sat in the living room all night listening to my girls. I got Kelsea 2 violin books over the weekend so she could find a solo. One had a piano book. Amber practiced the piece Kelsea wants to do. And then she went through the book. We could hear Kelsea practicing violin in her room. Then Kelsea came down and they practiced together that piece and a some others. Then Amber went to the organ and Kelsea played some more. They opened the Pirates of the Carribbean book and played in that. By then it was 10:30pm. Lee Joe and I both just hung around and enjoyed every minute of it. I have always loved to hear Amber play piano and it is all too real how close she is to graduating. Kelsea doesn't come out hiding much to play her violin. Kylee and Autumn are progressing on the piano and about to start band as well so there will be more music in the house but it sure is something I treasure and something Lee Joe surprises himself how much he enjoys it too. Hannah is working on Aleouette. She can do it when she looks at the book. Ode to Joy is memorized now. She is working on Happy Birthday on the piano.

Last week was rough. I was sick all week and all those stressful things happened. I have yet to hear back from the school on the Kelsea thing. Lee Joe and Kylee were also sick on Friday. So we were a sorry bunch. I am hoping the antibiotics have kicked in well enough to have a great more productive week. I got a call from the school last night and have decided not to go today. I have plenty to do. There is no more early morning choir and Honor Choir has the concert on Friday and that will be done. Kylee was one of 6 kids picked for a part in the thing they are singing and she is one of the youngest in the group! Things are starting wind down a little-Hooray!

So I had this really wacky dream Sunday morning. Why do we contemplate the way we do in dreams? So in my dream I was wondering what hatches from a coconut. It would be really hard for something to hatch out of it. So what hatches from a coconut???


Anonymous said...

All I know is a 5 oz. bird cannot carry a 1pound coconut. Its just a simple matter of weight ratios. (Must be said with an English accent)

Kim and family said...

Ha ha ha. Forgot about the Monty Python bit. That was an inevitable!

The Woodward Family said...

Sounds like such a nice evening at home. Those are moments to treasure!

Janika said...

Thomas! you beat me to it. That was the first thing I thought of. I was going to say, It's not a matter of what could hatch out of it, its a matter of weight ratios. I five ounce bird cannot lay a 1lb coconut.

Love you Kim