Thursday, December 07, 2006


Autumn is past the super itchy stage. I just talked to Leland and he said that Zeona is getting over the chicken pox as well in Nevada. How weird is that. Autumn's eye is still pretty swollen and hurting her. But it is 11 and she is still asleep. I have had to inform anyone coming to my house that we have chicken pox and they all opt out of coming over. We had a guy that was going to give us an estimate on a new countertop. That will have to wait. I had to reschedule dentist appts for the 3 little girls until after Christmas. I had to have my mom come over and watch Hannah and Autumn last night so I could go to Kylee's concert. So my days feel like we are in Quarantine. and then I run all over as soon as Kelsea gets home getting everything I couldn't do during the day done and doing our after school activities. But I think I am really close to done with my Christmas shopping. Our van is paid off now. We couldn't just write a check and mail it. We had to get a Cashiers check and overnight it. HASSLE! but done. Now we hold our breath and watch for Hannah. We have a ward Christmas party on Friday. Amber is going to do a piano solo. On Sunday the choir is singing for Sacrament and we have a big stake Christmas choir thing. Lee Joe Amber Kelsea Kylee and I are in the choir so I am not sure what to do with the little girls now. And I think I headed a cold off. I have had a problem when I sing in the choir I will always get really sick when I am suppose to sing for the Christmas performance and can't sing. So I am keeping the airborne handy and I have bumped the cold away once now. Monday Kylee and Kelsea both have concerts but they are at different times so I can be at both. Hooray! And Weds Kylee and Autumn have their mini recital. I am still bummed about Hannah. Friday morning Kylee will be singing in the school choir performance and I am sure Hannah will be contagious or spotty then so I am not sure what to do then either. On the My space thing I don't think I am letting Kelsea have one. Maybe we will make her a blog page. I just feel really bad about it. And it is a big source of conflict right now. Ugh. Teenagers. It has been a rough week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My girls Ped Said he's seen 3 cases in the past month.