Friday, November 17, 2006

nice week

To fight the blues I have exercised 2 times. It has been more than a month because of my shoulder. The chiropractor has helped my shoulder very very much. I have felt better, and then I have also been sore. Great thing though. I have been doing yoga and it helps me calm down a lot. I have Christmas shopped online and in the stores some. It has been VERY frustrating though. Everything I have in mind has become a big challenge to find-and in the price range I am looking for. I found everything fine last month and now that I am ready to get it, the things are gone and I need to rack my brain to think of all the other places I might find it. But I have had success so far and now I am almost frantic to take care of the rest of it so this doesn't continue. And Lee Joe wanted a shotgun for Christmas. He went and bought one but I will wrap it and he has to wait. He is actually very excited about it and he has made my job much easier this year. I had no appointments for 3 days in a row!! WOOHOO. But then all the kids got sick. Kylee and Autumn were home Weds. Kelsea came home sick form school and then slept for 2 hours when she got home. Kelsea and Kylee were home Thursday. I had to take Autumn to the Dr for a follow-up on her arm. Her arm was better but she has been limping on her foot for 2 weeks. They x-rayed it. She had an injury to her growth plate in her foot. They got gel cushions in the heels in her shoes and now she has stopped limping. 2 hours later we left the office. And I FINALLY got the test results of the ultrasound. I chased my dr's nurse down to get it. I do a have a cyst on my ovary. And the upper ultasound didn't find anything so my stomache pain is unexplained still. Possible gallbladder issue. So I managed to an get appt today with my doctor which never happens that quick with him. I will find out what is next. Kylee is the only one home today. It would probably help if our weather would quit fluctuating so dramatically between warm and freezing and wet and sunny. And the coolest thing so far-There is NOTHING on the calendar for Saturday. Picture a celebratory dance-picture a good one because I am not a great dancer, rather silly actually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lets see here this is the third try on posting a coment.

I wanted to know how you manage to shop for all girls and keep it individual. I am having a hard time this year my girls are so close in age and want the same things. short of buying three identical things (which I don't want to do) they are stuck sharing. what do you suggest?