Thursday, November 30, 2006

Kelsea's audition

Kelsea had a rough night. She has a really hard time speaking or playing alone in front of people and she had to do both in one night. She was fine until we saw she had closing prayer as well. She fell apart. Amber stepped in on her behalf and said the prayer. Kelsea was the 2nd one to speak and that made her uncomfortable. But she did it. Then we hightailed it off to the jr high so she would have time to practice. She practiced her audition after school with her teacher on Tuesday, all night Tues. In class and at lunch on weds. After school on weds, during lessons, after lessons and then before the audition. And then there was this asian girl practicing. She had probably been playing since she was 4 or something and she kept playing her stuff perfectly over and over. It unnerved Kelsea so badly she couldn't start practicing and then she was in tears again. I took her into the instrument room and brought her stuff to her. She composed herself somewhat but she lost all the confidence she had going in there. So she struggled. I listened to her audition for the judges and she played everything but she struggled through it. It wasn't the way she had practiced all day. She was about to cry when she came out. I was talking to her. and then we saw her Orchestra teacher and she asked how Kelsea did and then she just cried. Her Orchestra teacher knew she could do it. We will see. ANd then this mom was so strange and said weird stuff. She said "maybe it's not your thing" "you will have time to do other things" Like she failed. She didn't fail she just has severe performance anxiety. Kelsea said she was rude and she was not any help. But the Honor orchestra conductors know Amber and Mrs. varnagy-Kelsea's teacher may be able to put some pull in and if she makes it it would be ahuge confidence booster for her and if she doesn't make it-Amber didn't make it in 8th grade either(Amber had a bad cold and couldn't breathe well enough to play). Kelsea is prepared either way.They may ask Amber to play if they need 2 parts on the oboe. Then I tried to make Kelsea's day by taking her to Shopko after 9 to get a coat. She picked a nice one out and was very happy when we got home. Here is what is so weird about my girls. Amber has no problem speaking or performing in front of people. She likes to do talent shows but she won't call people on the phone hardly ever and hates approaching people in stores to buy things or ask questions. She won't approach her teachers st school. She just works harder to avoid approaching a teacher. Kelsea has no ploblem calling on the phone. Once she pretended to be Amber to find out something for Amber. She has no problem shopping or advocating for herself at school. But she has this performance thing. So I guess I have said plenty. By the way Dylan made it to school yesterday and today. He does have an issue that makes head injuries more serious. He has a malformation where part of his brain stem goes down farther than it should so head trauma is dangerous for him. He is a SUPER active boy so it will be likely that Melissa will have many scares in the future. We call Dylan Matt sometimes by accident because he looks and behaves so much like my brother did. My brother was VERY active. My brother had serious injury or illness every even year of his childhood. 2-broken nose and stitches(I was babysitting), 4- knocked out his front teeth(I was too far away but saw it happen and administered first aid again),6- appendicitis( I missed school to care for him before my mom finally took him to the Dr), we were afraid every time he hit an even year and he has hit cars while riding his bike more than once and broke a few other bones. And he his still a walking and breathing young man who has been in his share of fights and almost lost the end of his nose from a car accident. Because he is an adult I have no clue what other traumas he has had. I don't hear about everything anymore. I have to work at the school Fri, mon, tues and we will get our tree this weekend and Jared and Michelle will be back from DisneyWorld on Sat too. NOW I have said more than enough.

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