Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Lee Joe went to the doctor this morning. He had a CT scan and hearing test. He has had something in his ear for a while now and we have the insurance and a tax return so he will be getting the surgery shortly. He has almost no hearing in that ear. The worst case scenario is that the thing has done so much damge that he may still have no hearing in that ear after surgery and he will lose his balance for a good week before the other ear can compensate. It is not cancer but it is not something you don't want to leave alone much longer either. He still has to schedule the surgery but we need to do it Feb.

Lee Joe is so excited over the SuperBowl. He loves the Steelers and he can't wait. He wants to have our annual superbowl bash. Ugh, that means a super house purge and damage control for an unusually high number of children in our house. Wish me luck.

Other than Lee Joe's news, today should be peaceful. I get to stay home hurray! Tomorrow is Amber's visit to the Ear Nose & Throat doctors. We seem to like that place because that is where Lee Joe was today and the other 4 girls have been there in the past as well.

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