Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yucky yucky YUCKY!

There is a good reason why I don't work in an office. Sitting at the computer doing data entry is a pain in my butt. Especially when you are sitting in a worn out office chair. We are behind and I am trying to get all of Lee Joe's business junk in order to hurry up and file our taxes. I hate taxes. There is really good reason why I won't do ours. YUCKY YUCKY. I spent all afternoon and this evening and last night working on it. I worked on our personal stuff a few weeks ago. I guess it will really pay off when we can claim so many losses that we won't owe. That is about where it is at. I will have to hunt a few more things down though. Boy we are pushing it this year to get it done. It would have helped if Lee Joe tried to do any of it because it is all his stuff and he hasn't been all that busy this week. i think he leeps trying to run away from it all but I made him sit down and tonight and get his paper trail organized a little. I told him he owes me a really comfy office chair and fancy TV when the fun money comes in. He is all for it because I did what I did. We will see if it really happens though.

And life has been super quiet and manageable otherwise the last 2 days. There have been friend visits the past 2 days for 2 of the girls. I even made a REAL dinner on Thursday along with laundry. I didn't get much done today and now it looks like I didn't do a thing this week when I really did. The jet dry leaked out of its compartment and all over the inside of the dishwasher and it is so foamy that I have had to try to run the rinse cycle about 4 times now and rewash the dishes in there which means the rest of the dishes aren't getting done. I am not worried because there is nothing on the schedule tomorrow except what I put there. Can you see my Saturday happy dance?

Amber hasn't been doing very well on her tennis trip. She has played 4 matches in 2 days and lost all of them. But she pulled a muscle in her leg and that is really bothering her. And she says it is hot there.

I should sleep now but I am kind of waiting for Kelsea to get home from babysitting. Since I really am not talking to anyone really I should end this blog. Nothing like practically talking to yourself. Those who know me know how much I have to say when I am super tired.

1 comment:

Janika said...

At 35, I've never filed taxes in my life, so I took my stuff to a professional. It was a good experience.