Thursday, April 20, 2006

So, I remember snow days in Jr high and high school. We haven't had enough snow in years to close school but because of the acts of violence and threats of acts of violence, Our girls have just had their first experience with a "Threat of acts of violence" day. There was a threat written on a bathroom wall at school. Today also happens to be the anniversary of the Columbine tragedy but there was a very similiar episode at local Jr high here last week. It was optional as to whether or not parents wanted to send their kids to school. We felt it was copy cat threat. Amber went to school today with only 89 other kids. It is a big Jr high. Kelsea has been sick all week so we took advantage of another day home for her.

I, so sadly, yet very neccessary right now, got a job today. Maryanne will have to let me know how she manages to work nights with kids. I will be working full time nights. I have another job opportunity at the little girls school so I might still try for that one. It doesn't start until mid May. I just need to know everyones planned dates to be in Nevada so I can ask for vacation if I stick with this job. If I decide to work at the school though I would have summer off and then I would need to apply again at the beginning of the year.

Amber had her Honor Orchestra concert on Tuesday night. They played 5 pieces, it was an excellent concert. She had several solos and by playing oboe, the whole orchestra tuned to her. So needless to say she was highly featured whether she liked it or not. Next week is the big week and the final concert.

Amber has had 2 tennis matches as well. The first one she lost her first game. Dylan asked her very loudly at the end of her match, "Who won" Amber said "She did." He replied "You need to practice more" For the whole park to hear. We all laughed so hard. Amber did too. She doesn't embarrass very easily. She won the doubles game she played after that. The 2nd match on weds she won both matches she played.

THe weather here has been beautiful the last 2 days. Sunny and 65-70 degrees. It finally feels like Spring!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gongrats to the girls in their Successes, Glad the house is getting done, Sorry you have to get a job, Tell everyone we said hi. I was plannign the reunion for August 2-6th However the 4th and 5th I will be going to Wild Waters in Sparks- Hope everyone can come too!!! That's when the VC HS Reunion is planned and I figured the family could go then too. Just for something fun to do.

Maryanne and I will be out there from about July 18th on.