We are driving and leaving Tuesday night. I will get to see some family I haven't seen since I was 7 or 8. My mom is I think looking forward to the drive with us. Lee Joe is lined out with working short days Weds-Fri. And he is lining out care for Hannah during the day. I probably won't be back until Sunday.
It is the first time Melissa and I have attended a funeral for someone in our family.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Kelsea is still trying to cough up a lung. She missed Friday morning. I left her at home last night for the big concert last night because she would have been pretty disruptive. The concert was fantastic. That is our 6th year of having kids involved in that concert. This was the first year Amber knew some of the kids she performed with.
Kylee stayed home all week and I started to get it on THursday but I have fought it off.
I gave wal-mart the news that I wouldn't be working for them. I still need to go in and give them my stuff. I start at the school on the 11th. I am very excited.
We had a hamster plan a great escape again last night. At 6 am this morning we were hunting for the escapee. She survived! She was found under Kelsea's bed. She got out of an aquarium! Our neighbor borrowed our duct tape and nothing was taped down. We got our duct tape back today.
I had sad news this morning. My grandma in Texas passed away. She had been sick and was in the hospital. We heard last night she slipped into a coma. Early this moring she passed away. The funeral is Thursday. My mom and sister and I are headed to Clovis New Mexico for the funeral. Lee Joe is going to stay here and tend kids while we either fly or drive down. That has yet to be determined. It is a pretty quiet week so he should fare pretty well.
Kylee stayed home all week and I started to get it on THursday but I have fought it off.
I gave wal-mart the news that I wouldn't be working for them. I still need to go in and give them my stuff. I start at the school on the 11th. I am very excited.
We had a hamster plan a great escape again last night. At 6 am this morning we were hunting for the escapee. She survived! She was found under Kelsea's bed. She got out of an aquarium! Our neighbor borrowed our duct tape and nothing was taped down. We got our duct tape back today.
I had sad news this morning. My grandma in Texas passed away. She had been sick and was in the hospital. We heard last night she slipped into a coma. Early this moring she passed away. The funeral is Thursday. My mom and sister and I are headed to Clovis New Mexico for the funeral. Lee Joe is going to stay here and tend kids while we either fly or drive down. That has yet to be determined. It is a pretty quiet week so he should fare pretty well.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Kelsea went back to school today after missing 6 days. All the teachers asked her if she is OK. SHe looked awful on Sunday. I could really see how much weight she has lost and she looked almost anorexic to me. I got called by the school today and picked up Kylee. She is running the fever that Kelsea started her nastiness with. Here we go again.
I moved into our new room once it I finished painting it and cleaning it all up. I tried to get Hannah's new room in order this weekend but I didn't get as far as I hoped. We did scrape off the popcorn ceiling and retextured it. I painted the ceiling tonight and the texture job looks nice. I am going nuts with the colors in her room. She really wants to help me paint. I have two walls left. Her new curtains are already up and we should be able to start getting more of her stuff in tomorrow I hope.
So I got a job at Wal-mart. I am suppose to work nights. THat is what I wanted with them. I had orientation today and was not feeing that good about it at all. I went to the school and picked up Kylee and asked them if the job opportunity there was a sure thing and she said it was so I got real excited over that so I believe that is what I should do. But now I have to call wal-mart back and tell them I have a better offer. That is so hard for me but better to do it now rather than later-when I am dead tired after working the 7 nights in a row they put me on the schedule to start out. Courage--I know I have it. I think I misplaced it somewhere.
I moved into our new room once it I finished painting it and cleaning it all up. I tried to get Hannah's new room in order this weekend but I didn't get as far as I hoped. We did scrape off the popcorn ceiling and retextured it. I painted the ceiling tonight and the texture job looks nice. I am going nuts with the colors in her room. She really wants to help me paint. I have two walls left. Her new curtains are already up and we should be able to start getting more of her stuff in tomorrow I hope.
So I got a job at Wal-mart. I am suppose to work nights. THat is what I wanted with them. I had orientation today and was not feeing that good about it at all. I went to the school and picked up Kylee and asked them if the job opportunity there was a sure thing and she said it was so I got real excited over that so I believe that is what I should do. But now I have to call wal-mart back and tell them I have a better offer. That is so hard for me but better to do it now rather than later-when I am dead tired after working the 7 nights in a row they put me on the schedule to start out. Courage--I know I have it. I think I misplaced it somewhere.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Kelsea is still sick. Poor thing. I took her to the doctor yesterday. They tested her for strep and she was negative. It is viral and she has to wait it out.
Amber had another tennis match yesterday. I got to go. Amber played a boy that really wanted to play another match at the end of everyone elses games. You could tell he has a had some experience and she beat him!! 4-2! The tennis coach is so excited over how well Amber is doing for being a first year. She also won the other match she played yesterday too. You go Amber!!
I moved into our new room yesterday! Woohoo! It is like being in a new house almost. The office still isn't done. I need to scrape the ceiling and retexture it in our old room but Hannah's stuff is already in the closet. And then I get to paint yet another room. Like I am complaining. Doing little girls rooms is great fun for me.
Amber had another tennis match yesterday. I got to go. Amber played a boy that really wanted to play another match at the end of everyone elses games. You could tell he has a had some experience and she beat him!! 4-2! The tennis coach is so excited over how well Amber is doing for being a first year. She also won the other match she played yesterday too. You go Amber!!
I moved into our new room yesterday! Woohoo! It is like being in a new house almost. The office still isn't done. I need to scrape the ceiling and retexture it in our old room but Hannah's stuff is already in the closet. And then I get to paint yet another room. Like I am complaining. Doing little girls rooms is great fun for me.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
So, I remember snow days in Jr high and high school. We haven't had enough snow in years to close school but because of the acts of violence and threats of acts of violence, Our girls have just had their first experience with a "Threat of acts of violence" day. There was a threat written on a bathroom wall at school. Today also happens to be the anniversary of the Columbine tragedy but there was a very similiar episode at local Jr high here last week. It was optional as to whether or not parents wanted to send their kids to school. We felt it was copy cat threat. Amber went to school today with only 89 other kids. It is a big Jr high. Kelsea has been sick all week so we took advantage of another day home for her.
I, so sadly, yet very neccessary right now, got a job today. Maryanne will have to let me know how she manages to work nights with kids. I will be working full time nights. I have another job opportunity at the little girls school so I might still try for that one. It doesn't start until mid May. I just need to know everyones planned dates to be in Nevada so I can ask for vacation if I stick with this job. If I decide to work at the school though I would have summer off and then I would need to apply again at the beginning of the year.
Amber had her Honor Orchestra concert on Tuesday night. They played 5 pieces, it was an excellent concert. She had several solos and by playing oboe, the whole orchestra tuned to her. So needless to say she was highly featured whether she liked it or not. Next week is the big week and the final concert.
Amber has had 2 tennis matches as well. The first one she lost her first game. Dylan asked her very loudly at the end of her match, "Who won" Amber said "She did." He replied "You need to practice more" For the whole park to hear. We all laughed so hard. Amber did too. She doesn't embarrass very easily. She won the doubles game she played after that. The 2nd match on weds she won both matches she played.
THe weather here has been beautiful the last 2 days. Sunny and 65-70 degrees. It finally feels like Spring!
I, so sadly, yet very neccessary right now, got a job today. Maryanne will have to let me know how she manages to work nights with kids. I will be working full time nights. I have another job opportunity at the little girls school so I might still try for that one. It doesn't start until mid May. I just need to know everyones planned dates to be in Nevada so I can ask for vacation if I stick with this job. If I decide to work at the school though I would have summer off and then I would need to apply again at the beginning of the year.
Amber had her Honor Orchestra concert on Tuesday night. They played 5 pieces, it was an excellent concert. She had several solos and by playing oboe, the whole orchestra tuned to her. So needless to say she was highly featured whether she liked it or not. Next week is the big week and the final concert.
Amber has had 2 tennis matches as well. The first one she lost her first game. Dylan asked her very loudly at the end of her match, "Who won" Amber said "She did." He replied "You need to practice more" For the whole park to hear. We all laughed so hard. Amber did too. She doesn't embarrass very easily. She won the doubles game she played after that. The 2nd match on weds she won both matches she played.
THe weather here has been beautiful the last 2 days. Sunny and 65-70 degrees. It finally feels like Spring!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
good week
I am so glad this week has been a quiet sort of normal kind of week. Monday- dance ond orchestra. Tuesday was my day to fill. I did yard work and painted the downstairs some more. Weds-I had an Appointment. I have checked the calendar all week to make sure I wasn't forgetting and appointment somewhere else. THursday I tried to Hannah to the library for story time but they changed the time. So it was the first beautiful warm day we have had so I took Hannah to the zoo. SHe has been begging me to go there. So we had really nice time. It is so nice to have a little one that doesn't need a stroller anymore. The flooring is 100% done downstairs.Today is uneventful. I will probably paint some more after I pick up Kailyn and then Lee Joe and I are going to the temple tonight and out to dinner. I have made dinner almost all week. Next week will be super busy again.
There could be a job change in the works for Lee Joe and I may be getting a job as well. But I sure will miss Hannah if I get a day job. I am also looking at working at night. We are about to owe over $4000 for Lee Joe's surgery and he needs another surgery for the hearing aid. What is insurance for anyway?
Amber has surprised herself with her first tennis experience. She is beating kids in matches that have had a few seasons experience. She is not in the beginners group either.
The rest of the girls are doing well. Autumn and Kylee learned how serious mom is when it comes to cleaning their room. I gave them 2 evenings to clean it. At the end of the 2nd night at 8:30 I went in with a container ant put everything that wasn't up in it. CLean lanudry on their beds & toys on the floor. THey cried but we have been going through this with them for months now. Last night they got the bucket back and had an hour to clean it out and low and behold they got it done in less time. THe alarm is set for them to get up earlier in the morning so they can make their beds and do quick clean up before school. Two days into this and it is working. We will see how long we can keep it up.
There could be a job change in the works for Lee Joe and I may be getting a job as well. But I sure will miss Hannah if I get a day job. I am also looking at working at night. We are about to owe over $4000 for Lee Joe's surgery and he needs another surgery for the hearing aid. What is insurance for anyway?
Amber has surprised herself with her first tennis experience. She is beating kids in matches that have had a few seasons experience. She is not in the beginners group either.
The rest of the girls are doing well. Autumn and Kylee learned how serious mom is when it comes to cleaning their room. I gave them 2 evenings to clean it. At the end of the 2nd night at 8:30 I went in with a container ant put everything that wasn't up in it. CLean lanudry on their beds & toys on the floor. THey cried but we have been going through this with them for months now. Last night they got the bucket back and had an hour to clean it out and low and behold they got it done in less time. THe alarm is set for them to get up earlier in the morning so they can make their beds and do quick clean up before school. Two days into this and it is working. We will see how long we can keep it up.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The weekend
This was Autumn's big weekend. Leland and Randa came for the big event. Sat we started out the day by have an Easter egg hunt at the church. Kylee and Autumn were to be there at 9 and I was told by one of the leaders that should have known what time it started that it started at 10. I came back to the house from dropping those two off and Hannah was sitting on the bench ready to go. I tried to occupy her the best I could. At 10 to 10 I get a call from the husband from the primary president that it started at 9:30. I frantically get Hannah out the door and I am so upset. I was about to cry even, I don't do that, Because she was so excited. I invited our neighbors to come too so Lee Joe called her and she brought 3 of the 5 boys she had with her and tried to make sure that all of them got enough eggs. Needless to say I was mad that somebody there couldn't just ask Kylee what our number was so I could have been called directly since it was one of the leaders that told me the wrong time and she knew it. That was frustrating but everyone else there made sure we all had enough so the kids were none the wiser.
At the baptism, I tell you we need to get it together before these girls start getting married. Kylee's baptism, Lee Joe forgot his towel and change of under clothes so I had to run home and I missed the beginning of the baptism. Autumn's started out with her forgetting her change of underwear. I explained to her several times she needed to change into white and put another pair in her bag. SHe missed something because all she had done was change into the white underwear. We were minus the underwear in the jumpsuit. I was afraid she would go nuts but I think she had enough to occupy her brain that it wasn't an issue. We get into the chapel and I sit down and Lee Joe informs me he forgot the baptism recommend. Again, I run home. This building is not as close as our chapel. I am upset again, baptism #4 That I am running home for something we shouldn't have forgotten. I get back in time to sing the end of the opening song. SO I didn't miss as much this time. That is where I am imagining my daughters weddings and me missing something because we couldn't get it together. Note to self-make checklists in the future.
1-make list of friends and family to invite and remember to invite before the day of the baptism.
2-bring towel and underwear for child(mom remember to check)
3-DAD bring towel and change of under clothes (mom remember to check)
4-bring recommend ( mom keep in purse or in glove compartment in van)
5- a brush or comb is also nice to have.
So Autumn felt special. She is a very thinking child and she talked about the sensations and how she felt in the water. She has really bonded with her dad through this and that is always priceless. My mom came and her Grandma Grandpa Lay were there. We went to the Golden Corral. We felt like people cattle at the trough but it really was good food. My mom actually came. And she ate ALOT for her. She has been sick. She is taking medication that helps her not throw up everything she eats so she could really eat and she enjoyed it.
Sunday Autumn was confirmed and Darren and Carrie made it for the confirmation. I made a roast dinner and we had strawberry shortcake after we watched Chronicles of Narnia. We had our neighbors over for dessert as well. I arm wrestled our neighbor. He beat me with the right arm and I popped his shoulder when we arm wrestled the left. I felt bad but I warned him that I popped a girls wrist in the 6th grade during the arm wrestling championship round at our school. That was probably the last year they did that.
The flooring is 85% in the rooms downstairs. We need trim and then a little more paint. The storage closet is finished though and I am doing a great job filling it up.
At the baptism, I tell you we need to get it together before these girls start getting married. Kylee's baptism, Lee Joe forgot his towel and change of under clothes so I had to run home and I missed the beginning of the baptism. Autumn's started out with her forgetting her change of underwear. I explained to her several times she needed to change into white and put another pair in her bag. SHe missed something because all she had done was change into the white underwear. We were minus the underwear in the jumpsuit. I was afraid she would go nuts but I think she had enough to occupy her brain that it wasn't an issue. We get into the chapel and I sit down and Lee Joe informs me he forgot the baptism recommend. Again, I run home. This building is not as close as our chapel. I am upset again, baptism #4 That I am running home for something we shouldn't have forgotten. I get back in time to sing the end of the opening song. SO I didn't miss as much this time. That is where I am imagining my daughters weddings and me missing something because we couldn't get it together. Note to self-make checklists in the future.
1-make list of friends and family to invite and remember to invite before the day of the baptism.
2-bring towel and underwear for child(mom remember to check)
3-DAD bring towel and change of under clothes (mom remember to check)
4-bring recommend ( mom keep in purse or in glove compartment in van)
5- a brush or comb is also nice to have.
So Autumn felt special. She is a very thinking child and she talked about the sensations and how she felt in the water. She has really bonded with her dad through this and that is always priceless. My mom came and her Grandma Grandpa Lay were there. We went to the Golden Corral. We felt like people cattle at the trough but it really was good food. My mom actually came. And she ate ALOT for her. She has been sick. She is taking medication that helps her not throw up everything she eats so she could really eat and she enjoyed it.
Sunday Autumn was confirmed and Darren and Carrie made it for the confirmation. I made a roast dinner and we had strawberry shortcake after we watched Chronicles of Narnia. We had our neighbors over for dessert as well. I arm wrestled our neighbor. He beat me with the right arm and I popped his shoulder when we arm wrestled the left. I felt bad but I warned him that I popped a girls wrist in the 6th grade during the arm wrestling championship round at our school. That was probably the last year they did that.
The flooring is 85% in the rooms downstairs. We need trim and then a little more paint. The storage closet is finished though and I am doing a great job filling it up.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Autumn's Baptism Day
Here is a picture of us all at the baptism.

Top Row: Grandma Lay, Grandpa Lay, Kelsea, Me(Kimberly), Grandma Lane, Amber, Dad(LeeJoe)
Bottom Row: Kylee, Autumn(Congratulations!!!)and Hannah
Thanks for coming everyone!
Sorry we missed the rest of the family. Love you.
Kelsea has heels on, Amber doesn't. My mom came too.

Top Row: Grandma Lay, Grandpa Lay, Kelsea, Me(Kimberly), Grandma Lane, Amber, Dad(LeeJoe)
Bottom Row: Kylee, Autumn(Congratulations!!!)and Hannah
Thanks for coming everyone!
Sorry we missed the rest of the family. Love you.
Kelsea has heels on, Amber doesn't. My mom came too.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Here are the bonuses- where we live, Amber and Kelsea can walk home from their activities at the school. When the weather is nice and after the time change, the girls can also ride bikes or walk to the church on Weds. It hasn't been that nice yet. Spring brings concerts. We have one this week but both girls are in it thank goodness. Amber is in two honor groups this year and one has a concert on the 18th and then she will have rehearsals for the other group on the 25th and then the 27th os a dress rehearsal for both groups and then the concert on the 28th. Amber could take Driver's ED 7 months ago and can still take it. Our problem has been we are too busy for it now and it costs over $150 to take. And as soon as she takes it she could have her drivers license. I don't know that I am ready for that. Next year could be the problem though because the High school is not in walking distance. She only has 3 more years. Oh My!
Basically, some weeks are busier than others. I like the less busy ones. I think all the Dr appts and ortho apts and surgeries put me under and in need of the rest. I can't believe it already but the school year is almost over. I wondered if my car enjoyed it's vacation as well.
They are talking about building a new Elementary school that is near the JR High . I would so love that because that would mean less commuting to and from the elementary school. My kids could walk there too! I can't wait!
Basically, some weeks are busier than others. I like the less busy ones. I think all the Dr appts and ortho apts and surgeries put me under and in need of the rest. I can't believe it already but the school year is almost over. I wondered if my car enjoyed it's vacation as well.
They are talking about building a new Elementary school that is near the JR High . I would so love that because that would mean less commuting to and from the elementary school. My kids could walk there too! I can't wait!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
the week is over
So our Spring break is waning. I watch conference as I post. On the last leisurely day before the oncoming onslot of things to do next week.
I forgot to mention on Tuesday we saw Chronicles of Narnia, we all LOVED it.
The end of the week I scheduled pictures for Amber and Kelsea finally and got Amber to the eye doctor. They took very nice pictures. I will get them back the 17th and then I can share!
I colored my hair a dark auburn. It is called Sangria. It is fun and a big change.
Lee Joe worked in the yard on Sat. I have been getting to the painting in the bedroom here and there. Mostly touch up and trim.
It has rained a lot since Fri. I might get to try out the new lawn mower soon.
Next week-Dance, orch on Mon. Tues a band and orchestra concert. Weds YW and Activity days. Thurs-? Fri company is coming for the baptism on Sat. And that is a busy weekend ahead as well. I think I will take a nap on anticipation of things to come. And that is why this past week felt so good!!
I forgot to mention on Tuesday we saw Chronicles of Narnia, we all LOVED it.
The end of the week I scheduled pictures for Amber and Kelsea finally and got Amber to the eye doctor. They took very nice pictures. I will get them back the 17th and then I can share!
I colored my hair a dark auburn. It is called Sangria. It is fun and a big change.
Lee Joe worked in the yard on Sat. I have been getting to the painting in the bedroom here and there. Mostly touch up and trim.
It has rained a lot since Fri. I might get to try out the new lawn mower soon.
Next week-Dance, orch on Mon. Tues a band and orchestra concert. Weds YW and Activity days. Thurs-? Fri company is coming for the baptism on Sat. And that is a busy weekend ahead as well. I think I will take a nap on anticipation of things to come. And that is why this past week felt so good!!
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