Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Lets see. I thought I was going to have something fun for dinner. We had for dinner. I have this great, usually simple recipe for pancakes. First batch I mixed turned out OK. It was taking forever for the electric skillet to warm up. It took so long for the first side to cook. I flipped them and suddenly they were cooking so hot. I burned half the pancakes. SO I needed to make more batter, and Amber was bringing a friend. So I mixed up a new batch. So I thought. Then I put too much baking powder in it so I thought I would double it. As I went through the rest of the ingredients I added 4 eggs. I only needed 2. Ugh. So I tripled the recipe even though we are short on both flour and sugar. Still too much egg and slightly thin. I cooked many many more pancakes. And to finish the fiasco I dropped one nicely cooked pancake on the floor. So there were 5 burned ones, 4 really runny cooked pancakes, and one dropped one all made it to the garbage. I wanted to make cookies and it was delayed several days because I needed eggs, once I got them I was too busy or tired to make them. And then while making the mess of pancakes I discovered our lack of brown sugar and then the lack of regular white sugar and flour was low. I have some food storage that was given to us recently but I don't dare try using it yet because it is 11 years old. We will sample on something smaller and after tonight's very messy pancake making disaster--and the kitchen is a complete disaster, I dare not make cookies today. Maybe I will stick to scrapbooking tonight.

I went to the neurologist today. He gave some more ideas on medications to use with my headaches and variations of meds to try so I feel a little better prepared. I hope it will help with the next one and I hope it won't last 3 days. Other than 3 dr visits in 3 days there has not been much going on and I need some motivation to get busy on something. Well I say not much, it is AMAZING what freedom having 2 licensed drivers brings to me. And I was able to call them and tell them to get sugar, brown sugar, and flour at the store. Yippee!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a Fiasco and a relief aye?