Sunday, September 02, 2007

Has it been a week already?

The week sure ran away with me. Hannah absolutely loves kindergarten. She wishes it was all day long. I only got to feel what it was like at home without her on Friday. I had so much to do on Tues and Weds. Thursday I had an appointment and already got a request to come in and sub. So I did and Hannah got her wish to stay at school all day. But it was so hot outside it was miserable for us both. And during last recess after we sent about 3 or 4 kids in to the nurse, I stepped on a bee and had to go in as well. How silly is that. Thank goodness I am not allergic to that but it still hurt like crazy for awhile. Kelsea missed a half day of school that day. Half the volleyball team caught a cold or something. She wants to quit orchestra because of the new teacher. Ugh. Several 9th graders already have.

Friday I had a terrible time trying to figure out what I needed to do and did not get far at anything. My house is a disaster. And my crisis does continue but I should say it is a big couple issue and not just me.

Saturday Lee Joe finally got around to repairing all the bikes. Amber got 2 flats on Friday. I think we maybe had two bikes that had air in their tires and my bike broke. We must have something like 12 bikes around here in various sizes. Now there are enough bikes for everyone to ride and Hannah has moved up to a larger bike already.

We watched Akeelah and the Bee. It is a very good movie. It has a few 4 letter words in it but it was soo good.

One guppy died today, I think that is the only fish death to report since my last report. Our injured Gourami is doing well.

Sorry Devanie about the weekend. We will have to make it up to you. Thanks for all the love my way. I think I need it right now.

1 comment:

Janika said...

Like, I said, you and LeeJoe need some time out together. Take an overnighter . Go act like tourists somewhere. I bet LeeJoe is as exhausted as you are. You two have done really well to make it as many years as you have without a major rift. We all have bumps. Hang in there. Feel free to talk. We all have problems so we can "bear one another's burdens." If you are not open to sharing, yous cannot become "light." I left you a message. Cal me. I need to commiserate with you.