Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What's that noise?

It is almost 10pm and only one child is left still awake. 4 were in bed before 9:30. What a miracle. The youngest LOVES school. The 4th is starting to feel the pressure of 4th grade-she is just slow getting her work done. The 3rd came home sick today-2 calls in two weeks with 2 sick kids already. And she got her violin today. She is taking a year of orchestra and next year she will take band. The 2nd hates her orchestra teacher and wants to quit. She may have to endure a semester at least. No real complaints from seminary like I expected. Orchestra is overriding that one I guess. This is the part where I hate being a parent of teenagers. It is be the bad guy time. And the oldest is exhausted and hates school because of the homework load. But loves being drum major. They have their first football game this weekend.

Lee Joe had all the girls cleaning house on Monday. It soo needed it. It isn't quite there yet but a huge improvement. I was home sick on Sunday some sort of sinus infection/cold /allergy thing. Saturday was a slow day but fine. I finally got the freezer we have been needing. I am trying to stock it up. The lawn got mowed finally.

1 comment:

Janika said...

Is it the sound of silence? My kids went to sleep on their own the first week of school, but now that they have adjusted, they are a little slower to their beds.