Sunday, February 26, 2006

Surgery Looming

I should be in bed for Lee Joe's surgery. He has to be in at 6:45 and I have to get 5 kids in all different directions after that. But we got most of our office sheetrocked this weekend and now the new bedroom is full of mess. THe closet and furnace room needs sheet rock and then mudding away we go. We had company for dinner today. Lee Joe's friend he has worked with and his family. Kelsea scored 6 of her team's 18 points on Saturday. WOO HOO! She got knocked down and stepped on in the middle of the game and started crying. She said later she didn't know why she cried. We getting into that very emotional stage with her. She cries very easily. They won in the end only by 3 points it almost became a nail biter. Kylee scored in her game and Autumn tried to shoot for the first time. No parties this weekend.

I am nervous for Lee Joe mostly now. I better get some sleep. I will blog when I have more to report and will tell some humorous stories later unrelated to us. Just a great laugh.

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