Thursday, March 20, 2008

No blog from me

That was funny. I accidentally pubished the title with no blog so it was for real. Anyways, it has been more than a week since I blogged. Some sort of absent record without a trip involved. I didn't feel like blogging in my grumpy voice. But I think I am a little grumpy still.

Amber went to Lewiston last weekend. It rained a lot. But she got to play mixed doubles 3 times on Friday with a boy she doesn't know. Won 2 lost 1. She played on Sat. Won 1 lost 1. Being on varsity gets her name in the paper but they didn't spell her name right. She was Amber Lacy.

Kelsea had her birthday. She had friends over Friday night and some slept over. We had our family party Sat afternoon. She only wanted a new TV. She had my old ancient one from my teenager days and needed pliers to change the channel. I told her that TV is so retro now. She said yeah right. Everyone pitched in and she got one. And she got a DVD player too. She thought the big box was a joke and maybe had duct tape inside. But it was for real. HAHA. Lee Joe wasn't working but somehow blew it and was not home when everyone else was here for her birthday. My mom, sister her family and my brother and his daughter even showed up. We waited and hour and he wasn't even close to back so he wasn't here. I was furious and Kelsea was hurt. That doesn't help their occasionally bumpy relationship. He realizes there was no good reason for him to do that after he asked me like 10 times the plan for Saturday and was not home for anything I told him I needed him there for. There was time after her party for him to do what he did. More issues to work on. He did go to the little girls Honor Choir concert that night. He realizes he has only been to like 2 or 3 of those concerts in like 7 or 8 years of honor concerts. He came this week to the kids math night. He has helped with dinner a few times.

Kelsea has had issues with electronics lately. She had her phone stolen and I got $65 in charges reversed on my phone bill and she still has no phone. Then later Saturday-her birthday-she pulled her camera out of her backpack and the screen was shattered. So I have to send it in to get it fixed and she is taking a photography class so that is a pain. She is using one of my cameras right now but one of my cameras is tempermental(it might work it might not) and the other one is really hard to take decent pictures with.

Seminary is such a pain. We have a car pool. One of the moms is a nurse and works in the mornings and her son is not the best at letting anyone know if he is going to seminary or not. Yesterday Amber went to pick him up and she watched them pull out of the driveway when she got there. I asked him last night if his mom was driving today and he said yes. It was after 6:30am when we realized she wasn't coming. Seminary starts at 6:30. So we call the boy and he said his mom is working. So we all frantically get the cars defrosted. The rain froze on the windshield. And it froze the doors shut. I got Kelsea and our other girls to seminary really late and Lee Joe picked up the boy and Amber got him to seminary even later. They already have 11 tardies. There is construction at the intersection now and that is the most direct route from the other girls house. Then we have to get the kids to school by 7:35. With the price of gas it is pain. I am so glad spring break is next week.

The weather has been depressing and wet. Today it is finally sunny. I am glad. Amber may get to have her tennis match after school today. Kelsea has her first AAU basketball practice. And Lee Joe is working.

Autumn will be 10 tomorrow! We will probably go to Build-a -Bear after school tomorrow. The little girls get out early. We have to wait until after Spring break for her friend party.

I am SOOO looking forward to next week. If I get a ton done that would be great but just being home and not running around is a true vacation for me. HOORAY!! And Amber has a drivers license so if she gets an itch go somewhere I don't have to do it!!


The Woodward Family said...

Nice new look. I really like it.

Janika said...

Change is good. If you chance to meet a frown, change it for a smile. She said with exaggerated cheer.

Did you do this post over two days? I got lost in it. Love ya!