Thursday, March 06, 2008

Much better.

I feel much better today. I had so much accomplished yesterday and I found the floor again in the office today and traded a desk for a table and cleaned all the dust out from my CPU. Kelsea has a place for her computer now in her room besides the floor. But I still have giant stacks of papers I have been going through continuously. It just multiplies faster than I can file anything. It has been so sunny and it is slowly warming up that the spring cleaning thing is goin on I think. WOO HOO! But I just don't even want to start on the yard yet and Lee Joe has accumulated so much junk it is starting to look like a junk yard in the back.

Hannah got her new glasses today. They look so cute on her and she likes them a lot. I need to get pictures of her in them.

1 comment:

Janika said...

There's nothing like getting something done to make you feel better. All of my progress has been halted by being in the hospital.