Sunday, February 03, 2008


Snow SNow SNOw SNOW! I wonder where we are living because I can not recall a winter like this here. Lee Joe is removing snow again at Costco this morning. We decided to call our own snow-sick day so we are all home from church. We have had that annoying flu still. It is making rounds through us all now and lingers a long time. Hannah has a cold. She was running a fever Thurs and I kept her home on Friday too. Amber and Kelsea were home sick on Friday. I was house bound for almost 3 days. Someone else transported kids so I had some cabin fever Friday afternoon. We didn't have another snow day but the roads were much worse Thurs and Fri. Thursday was blowing snow. Later in the evening it rained and so everything was ice covered Friday morning. But the roads were fine later in the day. Today it is just snowing and snowing. It would be nice if there was something else to talk about but there isn't. I have a range of emotions with the snow. It is cool that we are having a real winter. I like watching it snow. I don't like driving in it. It makes me want to just stay in and keep cozy but Lee Joe can only do snow removal and not much else when it is snowing all the time. Monday is suppose to be partly cloudy! Woo Hoo! I have to work at the school in the afternoon so that report for me is a good one.


Janika said...

Enjoy the snow. Takepictures of the kids in it for me.

♥Lexi Luee♥ said...

Heyy Kim. I was reading your blog and Jankika just so happend to forget to tell me hi for you. Good Job Jan. JEEZ. haha Anyways yaa. haha btw it's MWAH Lexi. I'm chillaxing so I decided to write... TE-HE. Have a good week.

♥Lexi Luee♥ said...

Heyy Kim. I was reading your blog and Jankika just so happend to forget to tell me hi for you. Good Job Jan. JEEZ. haha Anyways yaa. haha btw it's MWAH Lexi. I'm chillaxing so I decided to write... TE-HE. Have a good week.