Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kinda weird!

So the last 3 days are full of interesting events we have witnessed and maybe observed(?) On Tuesday morning Amber and Kelsea and the seminary kids witnessed the big flash of light. It was a meteor that the whole Northwest saw. Weds night the 3 youngest watched the lunar eclipse. They thought that was pretty cool. This morning our big chimes in the family room were swinging and chiming for no reason and then we noticed the plants were swinging too. We didn't feel it but we saw the effect. Kylee has fairy in her room that hangs and she saw it swinging too. There was an earthquake in Wells Nv this morning.

Autumn was still sick today. I went to the Doctor with her and they checked her for strep. She is negative. I wanted to rule that out. So she has a virus. But we were late getting to Hannah.

Yesterday was nice. I picked up Hannah and wound up bringing Kylee home. Then we hung out. I didn't have to be anywhere. I cancelled piano. And I organized Lee Joe's mess some. His paper business stuff. And I worked on my office again. It is a never ending pile of stuff. I think it multiplies so fast. We can see the floor again. And pieces of desk and table. I did a lot but there is still so much more. I am almost caught up on laundry. I am trying to get the house ready for Amber's birthday party. I guess I better give it some more thought. It is tomorrow.


Janika said...

How fun! I love geological and especially astronomical anomalies!

The Woodward Family said...

We didn't feel a thing here...but maybe I did and just thought it was my drugs...