Monday, January 07, 2008

Ho hum

There has not been much to blog about. The cat got her stitiches out. Some of our fish got sick and died. My favorites have died. I have had to treat both tanks. The fish are recovering well. We have guppy babies again. There is a lot of Wii play around and it keeps snowing. Which is cool if I don't have to drive in it. We have about 2-4 inches expected overnight. We have had very little snow in the winter for several years now. Hannah is 6 and has her first loose tooth. Hopefully she won't be so inclined to write and ask lengthy letters to the tooth fairy. I am trying to plan a friend party for her this coming weekend. The kids are back in school and I got more done this afternoon than I got done in a whole day of vacation. So I had a vacation too and the house is suffering some but not too bad. I was talking to Hannah's teacher and she had the same long lasting odd ailment over Christmas vacation that I had and so did Autumn's teacher. Kylee gets braces on her top teeth on Friday. She has such a high tolerance for pain. The orthodontist was in shock. He had to trim some wires that were digging into her gums from the expander she has in her mouth right now. She didn't flinch, cry out or react much when he cut the wires and one jabbed into her gums and he had to pull it out. He couldn't believe how good she was. We do watch her closely because of that. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain myself. My teenagers are SOOO acting like teenagers right now. I am so glad they are back in school. Ugh. How is that for rambling?

Lee Joe and I went on a DATE!!!! on Friday. I can hardly believe that. We went to Applebee's for dinner. Spent Lee Joe's gift card that he got at Sears on a grinder and I got a few Christmas things on clearance and we went to a movie. We saw Dan in Real Life. It was a good movie. It has Steve Carrell in it.

I have plenty of places to go tomorrow but we will see how far the snow lets me go. Otherwise there is plenty to do around here. Oh well. Ho hum.

1 comment:

Janika said...

Poor Kylee. I'm glad to hear you and LeeJoe are taking time to be together.