Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First snow day

My kids have never had a snow day. It never really snows that bad and when it has it is Christmas vacation or something. But the potential for a snow day is huge for tomorrow. It has snowed all day today. We had a two hour break and now it is starting again. We haven't done any of our Tuesday activities. But it is a nice day to stay cozy and warm at home. All this snow has meant a couple of nights of snow removal at Costco for Lee Joe which is a good thing. There is not much other work lined up and he can possibly make somewhere from $40-$100 an hour for snow removal alone. I don't remember a winter here that had so much snow. Someone told Lee Joe that the last time Boise saw this much snow was in 1963.

I subbed on Friday and of course I had cross walk that day and of course it snowed during the night. And there is construction close to the school right now. NIGHTMARE!! And then we had a little girl completely freak out over a piece of popcorn stuck in her throat. She thought she was literally going to die. The nurse wasn't there and the principal started to try and do the heimlich on her-it wasn't necessary. I had to calm her down and get her to eat some crackers and bread and she drank some juice. And her mom was called. She went home early(thank goodness) One little boy that was also in the nurses office asked if that kind of thing happened often. I told him I didn't think so.

We have had the flu too. Hannah got it Thursday night and threw-up for about 3-4 hours. On Friday 7 kids were gone in her class. Lee Joe stayed home with her so I could work. I have been fighting some other flu. It is mild but annoying. And it lasts days. Kylee and Autumn have had it too. They missed church and school on Monday.

Other than that, we are still enjoying the Wii. Lee Joe and I are guilty too. He likes his Blazing Angels game. I have been playing Mater-national.

So Snow, sick and gaming is about all there has been since Weds. Kelsea got a trophy at her team party on Saturday. The coach says that they have a defense they do called monster. He said Kelsea is the #1 monster on the team that is suppose to super guard someone while the rest of team does a zone defense. Our Stake president has a daughter on Kelsea's team. He has 6 girls but is so into the basketball he coaches and assistant coaches their AAU teams. His girls are good. He told Kelsea she should try out for AAU because she is really good. We might consider it.

Oh yeah, My sisters birthday is today but we partied for her last night. I am framing some of my dads pictures for her. She had to pick some out and I framed one. I need to get frames for the others she picked out and then I am going to have to go to her house to hang them because she doesn't know where to hang them. That also means Amber's birthday is right around the corner along with about-4 other birthdays by mid-March. By the way everyone-Easter is very early this year!! Here we go!

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