Monday, November 26, 2007

We are home and on the go already-

We had a nice trip to Seattle. The weather was nice. I left sick but got well enough to enjoy our time there. We had lots of family for dinner and some of my Aunt and Uncles friends. They asked Lee Joe to say the blessing on the food and when he mentioned my cousin in the prayer that is in Iraq they both had to take a minute after the prayer to compose themselves. I met a cousin I haven't seen since she was an infant. She is in college playing basketball on a scholarship right now. My grandpa cracked me up the whole time. He was telling Kelsea and Amber they needed to get this 15 year old boys phone number and he was telling the boy the same thing. He told Amber and Kelsea that they were such good friends that they needed to share their boyfriend. And then he told my uncle Rex that he needed help with an ingrown toenail. He wanted Rex to get this tool and cut a V in the top of the nail. Rex said he didn't want to do it because Grandpa would "squeal". They kept talking about it and Rex kept saying he would squeal like a little girl. It was funny. The next day he said Rex fixed it and it felt much better. And I had to ask him if he squealed and he said no. Melissa asked him why he didn't go to the doctor and he said you only go to the doctor when your sick and he wasn't sick. Coming from a man who pulls his own teeth when they hurt. My aunt and uncle have new dog. It is a little boston terrier and it is the cutest thing. My uncle had this doggie front carrier he said it was so he could take it for a motorcycle ride. We all said yeah right, that was the manly excuse for a doggie front carrier. My grandpa wanted to keep my cousin's little dog and was thanking her for the dog. She has THE cutest little 4 pound dog. It went home with my cousin.

So Friday Melissa her family and all of us went to Seattle Aquarium and I toured them down the Pike Place market. I bought a sweatshirt for me this time and shirts for the little girls. Then we went back to the house. We got a little lost but found our way back. Saturday we went to the Woodland park zoo and my Aunt and Uncle also came along. We laughed at Orangutans that were playing with a sheet. It looked like they were playing peek-a-boo. It was a really nice zoo just a little cold. We watched Evan Almighty that night. We left late Sunday morning and had a really nice visit. We got home at 8:30 which wasn't so bad.

I had to be up and out to the school this morning sice I have missed the last two Mondays with sick kids.

I can't believe it is time for Christmas almost. ACK!!!
I have some fun pictures to post later.

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