Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So busy

I don't really have time to blog but I am looking forward to tomorrow and Friday-I will be home more. I subbed Fri and Mon and half of Tues. I have the usual Halloween run around. But with Kindergarten I get to go to the school 2 times for parties and take Amber some food for one of her classes in between. I got to drive kids to school from seminary this morning. I did Autumn and Hannah's hair this morning for their costumes. Autumn hair needed to be curly all over. She slept in rollers and we curled her hair in ringlets-ish and Hannah has Belle hair. Kylee's hair was done last night. I plan on remembering to take pictures this year-I don't know what happened to me last year. Now I need a shower and to get myself going.

By the way, I got my first call last week from a teacher telling me one of my daughters has been naughty, more like disrespectful in one of her classes. Can you guess who? More on that later.



Janika said...

Isaac had been in in-school suspension 3 times before he was halfway through first grade. You have girls in high school and this is your first "naughty call?" Count your blessings!

Kim and family said...

I laughed at it really because I had a feeling I would either get a call from him or hear about it at parent teacher conferences. It wound up being something I couldn't be 100% mad at her for.