Sunday, August 19, 2007

Things are back in school mode

UGH. I don't want it to happen at all. The two oldest registered for school this week. Amber had band camp. She is liking it a bunch. Kelsea starts volleyball this week. We went swimming once. The pool closest to us is closed now.

Our Neon is still healthy. We had one fish die last week. It was a guppy. It probably wasn't healthy when we bought it. But we had two babies born. We must have bought pregnant females. They are big enough to see now without searching and are getting brave about swimming about the tank. We haven't brought home any new fish. We are waiting at least until our babies are big enough to not get eaten by something bigger. Then the next babies we will probably need to thin out.

Hannah learned how to ride her bike yesterday without training wheels. And she loves it!! But she had a big crash and the pedal broke on her bike. But a few hours later she was out on it again.

I would post more trip pictures but my Kodak picture software is corrupting pictures. They are still good on the memory card though.

1 comment:

Janika said...

Where did you buy the fish? Some places sell healthier fish than others. I have heard it said that Wal-mart is the worst place to get them.