Friday, August 24, 2007

Geez Louise!

Pluto licked Kelsea. I guess he liked her.

Maybe it will calm down just a little bit when school starts. Maybe. Probably not. We have had so much the past week and the last 2 days were the craziest. We got our back to school shopping done Monday and Tuesday. I think I actually stayed home a little Weds. Weds night we all went and saw Evan Almighty after 9pm. It was a very good family movie. We all liked it. Hannah loved it.
We have had a bit more trouble with the fish tank so that has been another preoccupation for me. We have decided that fish aren't pets. They are a hobby. We have been getting our fish at Petsmart and Petco. I think we got some fish with a disease that has just spread through the other fish. Hannah named one of the Guppies and it died and that is the only fish she has cried over. We still have two babies though. I accidentally killed one of the shrimp I believe the other one is hanging in there. We will get a few more of them. The kids really like them. We have some new fish tonight. Bigger fish than we have tried and hopefully hardier.
Kelsea had Volleyball tryouts this week. She was so nervous about not making Varsity because she didn't last year. She made varsity and she is SOOO happy. Much better weekend for us that the one we had last year where she was in bed all weekend.
The 3 youngest got to find their desks and meet their teachers today. Hannah got to check out the kindergarten room toys. Hannah is excited and Kylee and Autumn are nervous a little. Hannah is still 2 wheeling but last night the tire popped on her bike while she was riding it. I guess it was loud and pretty scary. So Lee Joe has more bikes still to doctor up.
I don't think there is much in the way of allergies right now but I have had the worst allergies the past few days. Today I am having a hard time breathing even after allergy medicine. Ugh.

We had the intent to get Amber her license this week but there was just too much to do and it didn't happen yet.
I am not ready for school to start!! Monday is the day though.


Maryanne said...

I like the disney pictures. I still have one of my fish. She is a fresh water fish. A beta. I'm kind of attached She knows when it is feeding time. She has personality.

Janika said...

Beta fish have great personality. Hey Kim, It is 9:26 my time, 8 yours. You got the kids all settled and taking a breather by yourself. Just smile. Don't think about what else you need to do. Breathe and smile

Unknown said...

NO KIDS??? oh my. plenty of time to blog!

How'd Kelsea get taller than Minnie Mouse?

Hope you are still ok with the kids and I coming Friday afternoon/eve for Labor Day weekend. If not, I'll just stay with Grandma, Kim and Gwen, and my cousins a bit longer!