Sunday, August 12, 2007

They're back!

It was a very peaceful week without the 2 oldest. They came home exhausted. Amber had to give a talk today and Kelsea came home sick. But it sounded like a good experience. I had one of the leaders that the girls babysit for in another ward tell me that our girls were great on the handcart trek they did on Friday. It sounds like they were awesome. There is a 7th grade boy that has a serious crush on Kelsea but I knew that from the school I worked at but he spent a lot of time with Kelsea on the trip, driving her nuts. Amber's admirer spent the day with her and Kelsea and Amber's friend Andrea at Lagoon. But Amber wouldn't dance with him at the dance. She got in a little trouble from us when we found out. He prank called their room very badly one night. Not very anonymous.

So the demands are back. I don't give in to them all. Amber starts band camp this week and I have a busy week as well. Yuck. And I have 3 kids and a husband with an intestinal flu. Must be from our terrible eating habits and exhaustion from our trip. We are all still dragging and unmotivated. We got a giant beanbag thing in the family room and the girls are taking turns sleeping on it and having a great time with it. We get to get rid of a very worn out sofa now.

We failed with the neon tetras. Too delicate I guess for a beginning tank. We have upped our neon count to 10 twice and only have one left today. But we got guppies. We lost one but the other 5 look healthy and are entertaining. The ghost shrimp are thriving and fun to watch when they come out of hiding.

School starts on the 27th but it might as well be this week. Kelsea will start volleyball next week. I am not READY!! We have hardly been swimming this year. I haven't even finished any projects, just tore my house apart. The lawn is dieing. There is a shed where it doesn't belong still. Too many things undone and it won't get better when school starts. Ok, I have PMS. I am a little snarly. And not all is really well in our world but I won't go into any details, sorry. So I will tell you the better stuff.

1 comment:

Janika said...

Three hours a day alone might make it better than you think. Hang in there.