Thursday, August 09, 2007

tank woes

I have done all that I have learned how to make a safe tank environment for fish. But we have started with neon tetras. We started with six 2 days ago. One died. I got 5 more and when we came home another one had died. So we had 9. This morning we are at 6 alive but will probably be at 5 before mid afternoon. One that died we can't find. We have two ghost shrimp and they are entertaining and still alive. I have read that some people don't have good luck with neon tetras But I guess I need to do more research or just try some more hardy fish.

I read Harry Potter on the trip. I passed Kelsea up on day one of our drive and she got frustrated with me. I finished it and Kelsea got determined to finish too. She finished it Monday night so she was pretty sleep deprived when she had to get up at 5am for the girls youth trip to Salt Lake. They were at the church at 5:30 on Weds. So it is just the three youngest and and I during the day. Makes things pretty quiet.

I am hoping to recover the house from our trip mess but we are still trying to get over our trip. The fish have been a pretty big distraction for us all. It will get there.


Janika said...

Yea, I miss my beta fish. They are so simple and loveable. Low maintenance and hardy. However, they are tropical fish, so it is not recommended that you leave them in a house with the heat off in the dead of winter.

Janika said...

At present, my tank woes have to do with flushing ;)