Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happily ever after Prom

Once Upon a time..... About a week ago.....There was a young maiden who waited and watched out the window for her young man to arrive so he could take her to his house to watch the Office and then go to a play. She waited and waited and was almost ready to give up, so she took herself to her room to rest.

(forgive me young daughter, I could not resist this pic)

Like I said, the wait was long, she was resting and everyone in the house was busying themselves with various activities when out on the lawn a trumpet sounded. It sounded as if it was announcing the arrival of royalty. Everyone was quite puzzled. So everyone had to come see what all the noise was about.

At the frontdoor stood a footman of sorts and he began to read his proclamation....
"Hear ye, Hear ye...
By the order of the Prince of Richland, all fair maidens, are requested to come forward and try on the royal shoe! The maiden who matches the royal shoe will please accompany the Prince to Live--slashed out Live---dance Happily Ever After......

Everyone was puzzled and then quite excited to try on this royal shoe. The house was full of young maidens and their mother, and a visting little boy. One by one the maidens lined up on the bench. The shoe was presented to each young lady--with the exception of one young maiden that could rival the future wearer of that coveted shoe.

For the first young maiden it was way too big, the second was a closer fit and yet it was still too big. For the 3rd young maiden, it ALMOST fit but yet still too big.

Before the last young maiden could try on the shoe, the other daughters told the mother She should try it on. It was a tempting offer and she jumped on it before her last daughter tried it on. The opportunity to possibly escape all the fair young maidens for a night was almost a dream come true. Besides, her Prince Charming was not as young as he use to be :) Alas, it did not fit the mother either, it was too small.

Finally, the oldest daughter had her chance to try on the shoe and it was just right. The father was turned into a hard hat when he tried to protest.

The shoe fit so now it was time to prepare for the Prom......As the footman and Prince were about to leave the rival wearer of the shoe showed up but it was too late. The Friendly woodland creatures witnessed the event and approved with much quacking.

The Fair Maiden, wearer of the shoe, was prepared for the dance by her Goofy Real Sister. Unfortunate for the Fair maiden because yes, they are related. Instead of singing a silly song and creating magic with a wand she worked her magic with a montage of very silly faces.

Besides the hair the Goofy Real sister also did the fingernails and toenails. Those fancy toenails are fake. The Fair maiden lost both of her toenails from a pair of past ill fitting shoes.

Goofy Real Sister was not alone in her preparation of the Fair Maiden, instead of mice working on her dress, The Bestest Mommy in the Whole Wide World added fabric to the back and sleeves and hand sewed 6 sets of appliqued flowers to her dress. The best magic was the back of dress was not attached with thread. It is a separate piece connected to the dress with adhesive velcro.....oooooooooh

So the fair maiden was beautified beautifully. She also had a little help with Auntie Devvy Cookie Lee. Those crazy eyelashes are not fake. They are hers.

So fair maiden was ready for the Arrival of Prince Rich. (his last name is Rich, okay)

He arrived and was still preparing for the magical night with another Prince.

The royal exchanging of the flowers commenced.

Properly flowered up, many pictures were taken by all. The paparazzi-otherwise known as The Bestest Mommy in the Whole Wide World, King Rich, Queen Rich and 2 of the younger fair maidens-kept taking pictures...Exhausting them before they left to take more pictures in the park to begin their night.
And Hopefully they pictured, ate and danced Happily Ever After at the Happily Ever After Prom....
They arrived very promptly before the curfew they were given. They ate great food, had fun at the dance and Amber did not loose her shoe at the dance but she did loose a fake toenail. It was too gross for the Prince to attempt to find and recover. Hopefully that does not arrive by another Prince on a pillow in the future. EWWWWW
They had a happy night.
The End....


Melissa said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!! Did you happen to notice she is wearing the same shade of blue as your prom dress from a few years ago... :)

Love you Amber!

Aunt Lissa

Thomas said...

What a stirring fairy tale! I didn't even know they made fake toe nails!