Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The house of sick and ich

We had a good run for Kelsea anyway. I don't think she missed much school all year until Friday. She was sick the day of the tennis match. Was really sick on Friday and much more afflicted on Saturday. She was running a fever and her throat was sore and her head hurt. The glands in her neck were so swollen all the way down her neck I could see it and she couldn't move her head at all and that scared us. Since it was Sat night on Memorial weekend we took her to the ER. She is on antibiotics. They said it was either strep or mono. I was hoping it was not mono. She spent the weekend sleeping and having cold and hot spells. She stayed home half of Mon. We went back to the doctor today and ruled out Mono. Hooray for that but she is still pretty sick even though she is at school.

We had sick kids on Sunday other than Kels. Hannah and Autumn stayed home and then on Monday Kylee stayed home. I have been tired and feel totally burned out. Just put some sick kids in the usual run around and that kicks my butt.

And the fish are sick. Lee Joe bought fish at wal-mart. I have been waiting to get fish until I had all the other issues taken care of, things were going quite well and now the fish have Ich. I have lost a gourami, a frog, and a black skirt tetra. A neon tetra is dying today but my two biggest fish are recovering. And the other gourami is an unknown as to if it will survive yet. I have to do water changes almost everyday and have been treating the tank daily as well. My guppy tank has something wrong with it too. Nothing has changed except for the high number of babies in the tank. I think I lost a cori but I can't find it dead or alive. I lost two of my males and a half grown baby and another algae eater. I have one male left and it is the one we raised from a baby. But we have lots of females and out of all the babies they all seem to be females. Fish are not pets, they are a hobby.

We had a bar-b-q on Monday to celbrate my sister's graduation from BSU. The weather held out all weekend. It was suppose to rain all weekend and it didn't until we needed to fire up the new Bar-B-Q. We finally got one this weekend. And the Bar-B-Q works great even during a thunderstorm. We had it under the gazebo and the guys sat out there in the rain and my brother cooked. We call him the master of the bar-B-Q and he did a good job. But now after cleaning the house all weekend it is a fresh disaster. But we had a good time and good food.

I would say more if I wasn't so overwhelmingly tired for no reason.

1 comment:

Janika said...

I have heard that wal mart fish always make the other fish sick/die.