Monday, July 31, 2006

Van is back Hooray!

The van is back!! $3200 later. ouch. With the van came a housefull of visitors. 11 girls, 1 baby boy was the kid head count. We went to the pool on Sat. The kids played themselves to exhaustion. It's always funny to take that many girls to church. Sunday the 100 degree temps broke and it is beautiful outside. It's in the 80's. We had a bunch of great laughs Sunday night between Grandma, Lee Joe, Devanie and I . I did real well with migraine prevention on Sunday. My head started to hurt about 10:30. I thought it would go away by morning but no it was worse than ever. It feels like my head wants to explode. It's a major sinus thing so I slept all morning, until 1:30. It has only eased up so I don't feel like I am going to throw up. I didn't get to say goodbye to Amber and Kelsea as they left for girls camp this morning, Lee Joe left with them-he told me goodbye-and I didn't get to say goodbye to Grandma and Molly's girls before they left. But Devanie will be back with her 3 later today. So we will be down to 6 kids between the 2 of us. We might all be able to fit around my table just fine now. I really wanted to do some yard work while the weather outside is perfect. Hopefully I can kick this thing sometime today. Yay! The van is back!

1 comment:

The Woodward Family said...

Hope you're feeling better! I am still having headache and ache and pain issues. Under too much stress, and all the heat is getting to me.